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I have 10 rating questions on my assessment.

I’m using the Typeform/Docs/Document Studio integration to generate a report (thanks, Des!)

On that report, I want to display a bit of text based on the question that got the highest rating.

Kind of like:

  1. How much do you like chocolate (1-10)
  2. How much do you like vanilla (1-10)
  3. How much do you like strawberry (1-10)

And then displaying “you liked kchocolate, vanilla, or strawberry, whichever was the highest out of 10] the most” on the report.

I’ve looked at a bunch of examples, I’ve looked at the multi-category-variable-rating things… The best I can come up with is to have 10 BILLION comparisons written (10^10) which I’m very much not doing.


Oh goodness! That’s definitely a lot of comparisons! I’ll probably still default to ​@john.desborough on this one to see if he has a hacky workaround, as we sadly don’t have a way to do this within the builder itself easily (you’d definitely have to use variables/calculations/etc!). 

@cherylwoodhouse - will there be ties and a tie-breaker question? or will there always be a ‘clear winner’? 

the big issue, even in Google Sheets (or excel) is that any “sort ascending value” functions are column-based and not row-based. With your typeform data going into a single row in the Sheet, you would need to do a ‘transform’ of the row data into a temporary column, sort descending, and then transform the column back into the ‘sorted row cells’ so that you had the highest value. still doesn’t address any ties if you solely base it on the raw scores. 


you CAN do this with logic rules and it isn’t 10B logic rules.. but it comes down to IF You want a tie breaker question for each possible tie at 10. if you want a simple tie breaker ie if 2 or more are tied at 10 then go to a question that lists all the options (the 10 you mention) and choose 1. and spin the wording so that you tell them you are doing this to create a starting point for them…. and then you can manage any other selections from an email sequence/nurture sequence.. 


just a thought



There will need to be a tie-breaker question (and I haven’t addressed that in the build yet unfortunately.)

The only other thing I’ve considered is just doing it as a single question, with a rating matrix of sorts? Most agree to least agree on all 10 statements within a single question. Would that “spit out” the top rated statements more easily?
