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I am trying to set up Google Analytics and Typeform so that it captures the correct Source / Medium within Google Analytics.

One of my clients has a separate typeform domain set up for one of their forms - a link to this form can be found in the main navigation therefore it can be accessed from any page on the website. At the moment, tracking has been set up but all of the conversions currently have a source of referral, and when I look into this further, they are all from their website (eg self-referral traffic)

How am I able to set up tracking so that I the correct source / medium is attributed in Google Analytics when users complete the form.

eg a user lands on my clients website via Google Ads > they then click on request a quote > get taken to the typeform domain > fill out the form > once complete, a conversion should be attributed to 'Paid' in Google Analytics.

Similar to organic - a user lands on my clients website via Google Search > they then navigate around the website > click on request a quote > get taken to the typeform domain > fill out the form > once complete, a conversion should be attributed to 'Organic Search' in Google Analytics.

How do I set this up in GA / GTM so that it configures correctly rather than being all 'Referral' conversion? 

Hi @TJR_2807 Happy Wednesday! Does the form have UTM tracking set up? If so, do you have any code inputting the data into the variables? 

Hi @Liz Thanks for your response! 

There is a source UTM code on the form which is ‘’ which is what I think is causing the conversions in GA to all come under be ‘Referral’.


I’m not sure how it can be set up so that if a user lands organically or via paid on the website, and heads over to the typeform domain containing the form, how do we get the UTM source in the typeform URL to reflect this - is this possible?

Hi @TJR_2807 You’ll need to pass the referral information into the hidden fields, so it will depend on how they are getting to your website. 

For example, if they are coming from a paid ad, you’ll want to set up the paid ad to be inputting that data into the Typeform URL that you’re referring them to. 

One thing to note is that you can’t have a URL within a URL, but you could add a keyword so you know which page someone was directed from. 

Hi @Liz How would we able to pass the referral information on to the hidden fields? For example, if a user came to the homepage via either organic search or direct, we wouldn’t know at that point, which source they used to arrive on the website, so how do we pass this information to the source?


Should typeforms only be used if you are directly linking to them from one specific campaign such as facebook or google ads? 


I’m starting to think that typeform isn’t suitable for us if we are wanting to track the source / medium of each conversion by having a link to the typeform domain within the main navigation of the website, as we aren’t able to pass on the initial source / medium information to the form - is this correct?



@TJR_2807 - seems to me that if you can’t find the source when they arrive AT your website and you then direct them to a Typeform, then the issue/challenge is at your website and not with typeform. 

Typeform is not a forensic tool to scan back-traffic links to determine the source.. Perhaps you could look at the cookies associated with the incoming traffic if there is no UTM source and either discover the source that way and attach as a utm parameter to the link to the typeform OR just set the UTM source to be ‘random’ if you cannot determine the source.. 



Hi @john.desborough Appreciate the response! Google Analytics would know the source from where a user has come from but it doesn’t necessarily mean we’ll have a UTM code attached eg an organic session from Google search isn’t going to have a UTM code.


If we wanted to attach a UTM parameter to the typeform link, we would have to have some form of dynamically created URL that adds in the correct UTM code - I don’t think this is possible is it?

I’m having the same issue and it’s incredibly frustrating!

@The Wellness Workshop Can you share the URL where you have the form embedded? Or more information on how respondents are reaching your form? 

Hi @Liz

Yes they are all on our website. Here is an example: “click Book A Workshop” button.

We’ve had conversion and tracking experts look at this and they have advised that this is definitely a typeform error where it is not allowing for cross domain tracking. Basically anyone who submits a Typeform is being counted as “referral” traffic.

@mathio do you happen to know what information is missing in the URL above in order to change the “referral” UTM? 

Hi @The Wellness Workshop 

Lasse from Typeform Technical Support here 👋

des, response above is correct, we don’t have a way to scan back-traffic links to determine the source. 

The only way to pass data through a Typeform, is from the questions in the form or via hidden fields (this includes utm paramters).  


However, in your case, where the utm parameters are not showing in the URL or passed to/through the form, then one thing I would suggest that you try, is to add the following attribute to your embed code.


So it kind of looks like this

As listed here in our SDK Embed configuration, then the attribute makes sure you share the Google Analytics instance of the host page with embedded typeform. 

Hopefully, this will help prevent the wrong “referral” traffic showing in your GA tracking.

Hello, I have the same challenge. I am not using an embedded Typeform so the suggestion from @Lasse won’t work will it? 


Like the original poster above, I have a link on our website going to a typeform, and I want Google Analytics to realise the same user is leaving our site, going to our typeform, then coming back to our site at the end in a single session. So the original source/medium will be whatever sent them to our website initially.


Will cross domain tracking do this?

@Lasse might have some other suggestions for you, @Wellbeing of Women !
