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Nosso formulário estava funcionando normalmente até ontem. 

Hoje notamos que ele está apresentando seguinte mensagem: 

Este typeform não está aceitando novas respostas

No momento, está fechado—desculpe por isso.

-- Google Translation -- 


Our form was working normally until yesterday.

Today we noticed that it is displaying the following message:

This typeform is not accepting new responses

It is currently closed—sorry about that.

Hi @Bruno Albuquerque Thanks for stopping by the community! The language of the community is English, so I hope you don’t mind my reply in English. 

Have you happen to reach the response limit for your account? If so, this will close your forms, and you will either need to upgrade your account or wait until the next billing cycle to re-open the form. 

Hi @Bruno Albuquerque 
To add onto @Liz response...If you are on the Business plan check if you have "scheduled a close date" or set a "manual response limit" (not the default Typeform response limit)
