New here but jumping straight in with a question | Community
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New here but jumping straight in with a question

  • April 8, 2021
  • 1 reply

I made the rookie error of amending a completed survey instead of creating a new one from scratch. All the responses from the original survey (which were pretty important) have now been lost. When I click the responses it shows their names etc on the new survey and the original questions and answers are gone. Is it possible to access the actual responses if you’ve since edited the form?


Thanks in advance. 

1 reply

  • Tastemaker
  • 320 replies
  • April 8, 2021

Hi @lemnottus ,

I’ve made edits to a form with responses but haven’t lost the data so I’ll see if I can help. Which program are you on and are you integrated with any 3rd party apps, i.e. Mailchimp, Google Sheets, etc.
