
Single question questionnaire drop-off/start discrepancy.

  • 29 November 2022
  • 7 replies

I have a questionnaire with one question on it. Under insights-big picture it says there are 25,825 views, 8,339 starts, and 7,220 submissions. When you look at the question by question drop-off it says views is 25,825 (same) however the drop-off is 18744 aka 7,081 non-drop-off/starts. How can the question drop-off be higher then the about of submissions for the questionnaire, 7,220? 

7 replies

To clarify, based on the insights-big picture there are 8,339 starts and 7,220 submission for the questionnaire as a whole. The question by question has an assumed 7,081 starts (based on the 18,744 drop-off number) and an assumed less than 7,081 submissions. How can the only question on the questionnaire have less submissions then the questionnaire as a whole? 

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Hi @aproduct Apologies for missing this. This discrepancy can happen if you: 

  1. Delete results
  2. Edit/Delete questions

Do you happen to know if either of the two above could be the case? 

@Liz It looks like the question could have been edited to require an email to be entered instead of the option to submit blank based on the CSV data. How can I verify when/if changes were made or if results were deleted?

Userlevel 7
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Hi @aproduct We don’t have a way to verify who the changes were made by or if they were made in the builder, but I believe our tech support team can possibly narrow this down for you. (I’m not 100% sure on that!) Though, if you’re sharing your login, we definitely advise against that to prevent issues such as this. 

@Liz It isn’t really an issue of who made any changes, I analyze our data and am just trying to get the most accurate numbers. It would be helpful for customers to be able to see a record of changes or deletions to understand and get better insights on the Typeform data. I will reach out to Tech Support and see if they can help with this. Thank you for your guidance! 

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Hi @aproduct  These discrepancies can happen if you edit the form itself, so just be sure you’re not editing a live form. This article here can provide some guidance on editing a form that’s already collecting results. 
