I would like to achieve a flow, where I know who exactly answered the survey. So far, I do not see which contact sent a response even after connecting Slack and HubSpot with Typeform. Could you please adivise?
We would like to run it through the hidden fields. We do not have any identifying question on the form.
Ah got it! If you have hidden fields, how are you sharing the form with your respondents? Are they accessing it via email?
I created an email in HubSpot marketing. In this email I added a link directing the respondent to the Typeform Survey.
Do you mind sharing how you have the link formatted,
I think I managed!
The format is: https://karl932020.typeform.com/to/<IremovedID>#from={{ personalization_token('contact.firstname', '') }} {{ personalization_token('contact.lastname', '') }}, {{ personalization_token('contact.email', '') }}&email={{ personalization_token('contact.email', '') }}
Ah thank you so much,
Enter your E-mail address. We'll send you an e-mail with instructions to reset your password.