Manage your VideoAsk Organization | Community
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There’s a lot that can be done to keep your videoask account in order, set up permissions for team members and keep track of video/audio processing minutes, so we’ve compiled a list of top tips to get you started:


Name your organization, switch organizations or leave an organization


When you create a VideoAsk account you become the owner of the organization.

It will automatically be called My organization, if you would like to give it a name or update the name at any time you can do so by going to the Account Org & Settings:



Select Overview:


Then set a name for your organization:


If you get invited to another person's organization it will appear in the drop down list at the top of your inbox so you can easily switch between organizations any time:



If you would like to leave an organization you will need to be in that organization, go to your Account Org & Settings and select Team. From there you can remove yourself from the team member list by clicking on the trash can.


Add team members and set permissions


If you are working on a videoask with a team of people you might like to invite them into your organization so they can view and edit the videoask and responses. 


To invite a team member go to Account Org & Settings:


Select Team:


Then add a new team member by clicking the + button:

The team member will need to have a VideoAsk account, but this does not need to be on a paid plan.

You can set permissions for team members by selecting which folders you would like them to view and giving them read/write permissions:

You can remove team members after they’ve finished working on your project or update their permissions any time.


Notification settings


Email notifications are automatically sent whenever you receive a new response to a videoask. 

If you’d like to edit these notification settings then just head to Account Org & Settings:


Select Notifications:


From here you’ll be able to toggle on and off notifications for either all videoasks, or receive responses on a per videoask basis.


For more information on customizing notifications, check out the help center article here.


Check your usage and upgrade


Keeping track of the number of video and audio processing minutes you’ve used each month will help you stay on the right plan - we’ll send you an email whenever you’re getting close to your limit but you can check up on this any time by going to your Account Org & Settings:


Select Plan & Billing:


You can use the slider to upgrade your account if things get busy - check out this help center article to learn more about managing your usage and updating billing information.


:question:  If you have any questions about billing, you can Videoask the support team here.


Duplicate a videoask or move a videoask


Duplicating your videoask is really useful if you’d like to do some A/B testing or if you’ve created a template videoask that can be easily repeated.


To duplicate the videoask all you need to do is click on the 3 dots next to the videoask in your folders list and select duplicate from the list of options:


The duplicated videoask will be copied to your folders list and from there you can go ahead and edit as needed.


You can also move a videoask between folders and organizations.

:exclamation:  If you decide to move a videoask that has already received responses it’s worth noting that any responses attached will move with it so make sure you’re finished with the videoask before you move it as once it’s moved you’ll no longer have access to it!

To move organizations you will first need to be a team member of that organization.

Follow the same process as above to select from the list of options:

For more information on moving a videoask to another organization, check out the help center article here.


⚠️ If you have checked this post and still haven’t found your answer, don’t hesitate to hit the new post button and start a new discussion. We’re excited to see all the tips and suggestions our creators have to share - and we hope you are too! 🚀

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