Hey everyone and happy Friday!
Yesterday we kicked off the first ever live VideoAsk Academy session and we had an absolute blast! 🤩
I was joined by fellow VideoAsk expert
We talked about:
- What is VideoAsk?
- How to build a lead capture videoask
- Sharing and integrating your videoask
- How are others using VideoAsk?
📹 If you missed the session, you can watch the recording back here:
🛝 Click here to download the slide deck!
Relevant resources:
We discussed so much during this episode, here are some useful links to help you get started:
Example lead capture videoask (that we built live)
Analyze the drop off rate of your videoask
Get inspired:
Catch up on our VideoAsk Voyagers chat with Jan Keck here
Check out Darnell Brown’s videoask of the month here
Discover more tips and tricks via our VideoAsk Guides
Watch back: Hack Together - Craft a testimonial video using APIs
I think we managed to answer everyone’s questions, but if we didn’t get to you or you have more, feel free to drop them in the comments below!
A massive thanks to everyone that joined us live, it was great to see so many of you interested in learning about VideoAsk! And a huge shout out to
Let us know what you’d like to learn about next time, we’d love to hear your feedback!
Note: This post was originally published as a preview before the workshop took place and has been updated on May 5th to include the recording and resources.