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Answer text colour

  • 10 March 2021
  • 6 replies

Is there no way to change the answer button & text colour to make them both separate? Just like you can do with the button/text colour.


@BSU - from a user here..

if you are using the new builder version of Typeform,  you can click on Design, then edit the current theme of the typeform to make the changes … see the image below:


hope this helps



Thanks for this John.

I am using the new builder.

But I’m trying to find out whether there is a way to not only edit the colour of the text on the answers, but also the little buttons that the answer text sits on (hope that makes sense).


For context - the images I would really like to use for the background of my typeform are not working with any answer text colour (I have tried dimming the background brightness as much as possible to create a good enough contrast between the background and the answer text, but this just looks very odd.


Seems like the design parameters are very limited and don’t provide enough tools to work with.



@BSU - the “Button text” option would allow you to pick different colours … 

I understand your concerns on the design aspects and am working around those within my own forms within the constraints of the platform. But it is a heckuva good solution for engagement… at least in my opinion

The Typeform community support folks (they are awesome and better at this than this curmudgeonly user) may be able to provide a more insightful solution 




The button colour picker & the button text colour picker relate to the buttons at the bottom of the typeform that advance you through the typeform.


I’m just wondering if there’s any way at all at present to edit the same parameters but for the answers specifically. I know there is an answer colour option which changes the colour of the answer text, but for questions that have multiple choice answers - the answers sit on a button and it’s that button that it would be great to be able to change the colour of.



 i got that to work here.. does that cover it?? 


if not can you take a screen shot and highlight where the issue is happening.. visual clues will help, at least for me.. 



Thanks again john - but your screenshot shows the issue I’m having which is that you change the answer colour but that changes the colour of the answer text as well as the little button the answer sits on. I’m looking for a way to separate those two things and be able to change the answer text colour to one thing, then change the answer button colour to another.



