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I’m trying to make a questionnaire sort of thing, and I need to collect 100 answers. But I would like to set up a quota for one of the questions we have.


So for example it’s like “which colour do you prefer?” then I need 50 people to pick ‘A. red’ and 50 people to pick ‘B. green’. 


Once we have 50 people answered ‘A. red’ the quota is fulfilled and any more people answering this would go to a ending page instead of going through into the next question. Same for ‘B. green’, once I have 50 people, I don’t need more green-prefer people to continue to the next question.



Anyone know how to do this in Typeform?





Hey @STBY researchers! Welcome to our Community! :blue_heart:

It's possible to limit the number of responses to a form overall, but it isn’t possible to limit the number of responses to a certain selection and send them to different questions. 

For some extra visibility, you might want to post your suggestion here:

There is a workaround I could think of: you could manually monitor the number of answers and whenever it reaches 50 in answer A, then you could use the logic jump feature to redirect the respondents that select this option to a different ending page. Do you think this would work for you? :wink:
 Let me know if you need anything else! I'd be happy to help! 



@STBY researchers - from another user here.. 

It might be possible to do this if you ‘branch’ the respondents into new typeforms based on the answer to the first question… use the redirect upon completion from first question (red/green) and then on the RED typeform (stream) you could set the typeform to close after 50 responses with a custom closed message that “you have received enough answers to this question at the time”  and the same on the Green. 


just a thought

