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Automated Calendar invite to registrant after form is submitted

  • 17 August 2022
  • 17 replies

Hi there, 

I am looking for the functionality where based on a selection of date options (in a radio option question), when the form is submitted, the respondent receives an automated email with a confirmation + pdf of their responses. But also automatic .ics files based on their date selections so they can immediately accept the calendar invite with the associated details and block out their diaries.

I have had a look and there is no ‘attach file’ option when customising the notification email. Or an alternative way to do this.

Am I missing something? Or is someone able to share their experiences. 

A link to add to calendar is not going to be suitable as this can be overlooked and not actioned.

Thank you in advance!


17 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Lisa_TM Happy Wednesday! I’m afraid this isn't a feature we offer in our notifications. I would have suggested the add to calendar link, but if this may not suit your respondents, it may instead be worth sending the notifications from another service, like Zapeir + GMail, instead. 

Userlevel 7
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@Lisa_TM - i think that the Calendly question type is a better option than the radio buttons to choose. This would engage the user directly into picking from available times in your calendar and your set up of the meeting parameters would not only put this into the user’s calendar BUT you can also set up Calendly to send out reminders.. 

just a suggestion. 



Userlevel 1

Hi everyone! 

We are organising an event and are using Typeform for the people to register to the event. 


My question is whether it is possible to add an “add to google calendar” and an “add to ical” AFTER people submit their registration, so on the submission confirmation page? 


If yes, how can I do it? 


Thanks for your help!



Userlevel 7
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Hi @Nathan ! I’ve added your post here where we have a discussion with a possible solution for you. 😀

I have a form that collects an email and sends the form submitter a confirmation email using the notify respondents feature.


I would like that email to include a day long calendar event for a specific date. It could be an .ics file attachment, or a URL that they can click on which will add the event to whatever calender app they use.


How do I do this in Typeform?

Userlevel 7
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Hi @luisandtara Happy Monday! I’ve added your post here where we have some ideas on calendar invites. 😀

How can I add a “Add to calendar” option with time, date and place? I would like this option on the ending page

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Andrea Isi I’ve added your post here where we have some ideas for this. 

Hi @Lisa_TM Happy Wednesday! I’m afraid this isn't a feature we offer in our notifications. I would have suggested the add to calendar link, but if this may not suit your respondents, it may instead be worth sending the notifications from another service, like Zapeir + GMail, instead. 

Hi Liz, where can I find the “add to calendar link” you talk about here? :)

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Andrea Isi Definitely take a look at this best answer for some workarounds since this isn’t a feature we have. 

@Lisa_TM - i think that the Calendly question type is a better option than the radio buttons to choose. This would engage the user directly into picking from available times in your calendar and your set up of the meeting parameters would not only put this into the user’s calendar BUT you can also set up Calendly to send out reminders.. 

just a suggestion. 




This is really a features that is missing!  "add to calendar" or that the option to "add to calendar" is there for the person that is filling out the form. I will use typeform for events and this would be such an important thing to have. Is this something your are working on? Im very happy with type form overall though 🙂

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Andrea Isi It’s not currently in the roadmap, but if that changes, we’ll post so here. 😀

I’d also love to have an “Add Event to Calendar” module, similar to the social buttons, that I could use on the ending screen for an event registration.

This is a must feature to be added to your road map! You have everything else to be the first choice for an event RSVP form, except this feature, it means I have to use another platform for this, and I will choose to complete all of my journey with them. 

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Adi Ili and @8BitKid thanks for sharing your requests for this. 😀 If this is a feature we add, we’ll post about it here. 

@Liz It’ll be great if it were to be added to the roadmap. I too would like that option. Please keep us posted.

Userlevel 7
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Will do, @Lin Medimark !
