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Automatic zeros

  • 24 May 2021
  • 5 replies

Hi everybody. I wonder whether any of you have come across this issue.  I want a form that fishermen can fill in to tell me what fish they’ve caught, from a list, on a trip.  So they can put a number against those fish they have caught.  But for those they haven’t caught any of I want this to appear as a zero on the form I create using something like Airtable - they shouldn’t have to enter zero on each and every one they haven’t caught any of.  Can this be possible to do, do you think?  Tried all the templates but doesn’t seem to work.  I have the Professional Plan so should be able to build something?

Will be interested to see if this is possible, and with indications as to how, and hope that someone may be able to help me.

Thanks, Jon

@Jon B - welcome to the community from another user.. 

a quick question on the numbers of fish: is this for a commercial fishery or a sport fishing example - ie rainbow trout = 5 perch=6 small mouth bass=2 muskie=0 northern pike=0 sturgeon=1?? 

are you looking at ranges ie 1-2, 2-5, 6-10, 10+ ??  (more for sport fishing and license compliance type scenarios) 

there are a couple of potential options that might work, but would require a little more clarity. 

anything you can provide will help us refine our responses. 




Hi John, you’re very kind to come straight back.

So this is sport fishing.  There are say 60 types of fish we want to record and for each of these want to record small or adult if catches are made.  For a fishing trip a fisherman may catch 6 types of fish from the 60 and within those six species a few small and a few adult.  I want to be able to tabulate the catches in a week from the group of fishermen, and they will have each caught various fish types.  I hope this makes sense.  Do you think Typeform can cope with this and somehow deliver data that can be processed to give totals for each fish type for the week, broken down into small and adult for each?
Hope you can help, Jon

@Jon B - not sure this will work completely/perfectly for you but:

  • a matrix question might work (see image below) 
  • i would connect to Google Sheets and dump data there, pulling it from first tab into a second tab with arrayformula functon along this line to pull data: if the (data) cell is empty on first tab, then replace with a 0 otherwise pull the number from the first tab - this would give you the 0 where you want it. 
  • this may not render on a mobile phone perfectly due to the number of columns but it might be sufficient. 

i would have a second page for small fish - so two long questions 

might work for you



Des, this is a really good suggestion.  We hadn’t appreciated that Typeform has evolved to give this opportunity.  I think this will be a way forward and we’re now working with Typeform to progress it.  Thank you.  Jon

@Jon B - a couple of wild caught salmon or rainbow trout will do nicely lol.. 

cheers and glad that you are giving the platform a try!

