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I have just signed up to Typeform ‘Impress’  and started to build the coupe of forms for our website. 


However depending on the answer and setting them correct in the Logo - Question Branding. They are not performing as I want them too. 


Support is not existent on here and it seems impossible to speak to call someone or receive ondemand chat (Slighty shocking considering the cost of the application) 


Is there anyway someone can help me? 



Hey @CharlieLove. Welcome to Typeform and to our Community! 


Sure thing. :hugging: The Typeform Community is an open space where you can ask questions, get help, discuss ideas related to Typeform and collaborate with other users 🙂 We have people from Typeform (like me) and some other users who collaborate for this community to be a great place for learnings. The support team is also available to be contacted here in case it's necessary. 


Would you mind sharing more details about what is not performing as you'd like to? Any screenshot or screencast you can share with us will be helpful too! 


We're looking forward to hearing from you :) 

Ok great, then hopefully this video of the walk-through will explain the issue I am having. 



Here is the Typeform link too: 


Hi @CharlieLove. Thanks for sharing the video. It was super helpful! :hugging:


This is happening because the form would follow the cronodical order if the condition doesn't match (i.e. from question 7 to question 😎


You'll need to add a logic jump in question #7 (for example: jump to #8 if the response isn't equal to blank) and then select the answer the respondent should go to (in this case, question #10). This way, you would be covering both situations and either way the respondent would jump to question 10. 


Also, another issue that I found when checking your video is that you're sending the respondent from question 8 to 6. One of the rules of Logic Jump to keep in mind is that Logic Jump can’t send respondents backward in the form to a question they haven’t been to before. This will end the form prematurely by showing respondents the submit button. For example, if you set a Logic Jump to take your respondents from Q1 to Q5, you are skipping Q2Q3, and Q4. This is fine, however, the problem arises if you then jump them back to any of Q2Q3, or Q4 after. This is because these questions never appeared in the respondent's journey to the current question.


To fix this, you'll just need to reassess the order of your questions and make sure you're not jumping respondents back to a question they didn't come through already. For more info on this or other Logic Jump troubleshooting advice, you can head to this article. 


Hope this helps!

Thank you very much for your time spent on the response. Crystal clear now.

That's awesome, @CharlieLove! Thanks for confirming :hugging:  I'm glad to hear that.
