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Building a questionnaire

  • 4 June 2021
  • 7 replies

Hello everybody, 

I want to build a relatively simple questionnaire, but I think I still don’t know typeform’s functionality well enough to make it.
Q1: So I have the first 12 questions which will define how the survey is going on. They are grouped in 4 groups, 3 questions each. I want to compare the score that the user got in the first 2 and last 2 groups and the winners from those 2 comparisons define the next  questions. I managed to compare them in the variables, but I believe they don’t store information from a previous question? 
Q2: The next phase of questions are 15, grouped in 3 equal groups. I need to compare the 3 groups and the highest should be showed as your result in the end. If you have any idea or an example I would be very grateful! 

Thank you in advance!! 

@Simona - welcome to the community from another user. 

yes - is the short answer to “is it possible” .. I do something similar in several of my typeforms for data governance and data quality assessments, in order to select recommendations based on the user’s input. 

I have also done up a small demo link of how this sort of thing can be done to rate which ending to use based on the scores in various questions. This one is fairly simple and based on an example of what is important to someone in looking for a new residence - completely fabricated by one of the other voices in my head - but it does cover the evaluation of the scoring 

if this looks even remotely like what you are trying  to do, please let us know and if you would, share a couple of screen shots of your questions and some thoughts on how you have decided to try and ‘rank’ your scoring/evaluation options to day (napkin sketches are good!)





Hi, Des, 

Thank you SO MUCH for the reply. The Demo was definitely very useful, however I used an Opinion Scale and not a multiple choice question, but this would be an easy fix. I attach a few screenshots from how we built this Questionnaire on Excel to make it more clear what do we need. 

At Step 1 We need to define for the Independence, Belonging, Stability and Mastery Categories which gathered most ‘points’. After having this result, people would be sent to Step 2 where they would get further questions, based on their category from step 1 to define their profile more precisely. 


Step 1: 


Step 2: 


I am still not sure how to make this work, but I am very happy that it’s possible. So, after I set a score to the answers in the ‘simple logic’ I can’t make the sum as it says I could to it in the advanced logic and there it says I can’t do it when there’s already a score assigned to the questions. Can you maybe show me how you made it. 

So far I have tried just Step1. I have set 4 different variables, that would ‘gather’ the score for each category (Questions 1,2,3,4 - independence, Queestions 5,6,7,8 - Belonging etc.) 
Here is what I tried but it doesn’t work for some reason.


I guess I have to assign sth to ‘@score’ but I was not sure how. And also I was thinking that maybe once I add to the variable Independence e.g. +2 from Q1 and then +3 from Q2 it doesn’t save 5, but 3? 

How did you make this work? 
Again Thank you so much! 

@Simona - that looks pretty thorough in terms of getting it setup to put into Typeform. 

my first thoughts after reading through this, before unleashing the 7 other voices in my head to examine the logic more deeply, would be as follows: 

  • use the step one to get the first categorizations and then pass the user to a second typeform for step 2 that is unique to that stream 
  • in creating the scoring, create a variable for each of step 1 categories (ie v_mastery)  and add the points to each category variable as you started to fathom out … 
    • at the end of the step 1 questions, you evaluate which category variable is hte highest and then ‘redirect’ them to the appropriate step 2 typeform, using hidden fields to pass any values from step 1 to step 2


i know that sounds like a lot of typeforms but it would allow you to refine the questions for each step 2 category more easily going forward.. just a thought. 


does that make sense??



Yes it totally makes sense, the only problem I have is that I have no idea technically how to do it in typeform. I don’t understand how the hidden fields work and is there a way to transfer people automatically to another typeform. Can you maybe make a few screenshots of  how exactly you built your example? 

@Simona - some quick words now and i will try to help with screen shots either in this post or another shortly (remote school time with my kindergarten aged daughter) - first will deal with splitting form and hidden field

  • structure is to split into two forms and to use the redirect upon completion feature to automatically pass them to the second form when they hit the submit button (will show screen shot of how to set it up) 
  • you need to add hidden fields in your second form to be able to accept the inbound fields from the first form 

i will use an example where I have created a form to ask people to give me name and address and then go to second form to select industry sector for a report.. 

In your TARGET form, the second one, you need to do the following:

  • create the hidden fields you are going to use to accept the data passed from the first form
    • in your target form (listed here with filename second) click on the Logic tab and Advanced then you will be selecting Hidden Fields


  • in my example i need to create the hidden fields for the inbound data from the first form:


  • in this target/second form i am now going to use a small ‘cheat’ to help out - i am going to go to the Share tab and then copy the link - it will have the address for the form as well as adding the hidden fields and some dummy data into the link, which we will adjust shortly

you can see the typical share link and the start of the hidden variable chain (circled in the above image) 

the link will actually look like this for my example:

note the fieldname=xxxxx structure → this is what we are going to use as the basis to send the data from form one to this form.. 


NOW go to edit your first/SOURCE form 

  • in the Settings (gear icon) we want to select redirect upon completion and toggle it on and then paste the copied link into the window

what shows in the image above is the end result of the following steps:

  • paste the link in the blank box 
  • deleing the x’s from the link text 
  • and using the + sign to select the Question/answer field i want to pass 

Now when your users finish form one, they will be routed to form two when they press the submit button  (you can change the text so that it does not say submit in your settings, messages option) 


that’s if for this part. stay tuned for part two on the scoring 




@Simona - am back with more on the calculation logic - busy day. 

see this post in the community


it has a a very similar use case in terms of evaluating scores for outcomes and I worked with the individual who posted it to help them create their production version but the essence of the logic is outlined in the thread and the images (i think). have a look and a think on both posts and then let me know where you need clarification


Hi, John,

Thank you so much for your help. In the end, I didn’t finish this questionnaire because we decided we need to rethink the whole thing for other reasons, but I used what you showed me for many of our other questionnaires! It was a great help seriously! THANK YOU SO MUCH for taking your time to answer my stupid questions 🙂 You’re awesome! 
