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I have 11 products that will be sold online. To help visitors pick the correct items, I wanted to do a product quiz. I have already built out the quiz before joining typeform, but how do I add the product recommendations at the end? I am very confused and have never used typeform to build a product recommendation at the end. Has anyone done this before? Im assuming a create an ending for each product, but can they be recommended 2 products instead of just one? Am I utilizing variables or hidden fields for this? I am so confused.Please assist if you know how to implement this. 

Hi @mysmuthe ,

I can understand why you’d be confused - that’s a lot of knowledge to share. Although I have not created something similar to this, I believe @john.desborough has knowledge he can share with you on how you might be able to accomplish this request.

I tagged him so he sees this and can provide any insights to help you.  

@vickioneill - thanks Vicki for the reference..

@mysmuthe - i have some things that i can share.. but first i would suggest going to take a look at the thread here, there is a good discussion by one of the real Typeformers on how a company built out their product selection quiz.  Look at the ‘best answer’ section by James in the thread. He provides several links in there to excellent resources that i used to push myself foward. 

suggest checking there then coming back with some/any questions you might have after that - sorry to push the work load to you, but I won’t be able to dig into this until after 10pm eastern tonight.. 


