Calendly design customization | Community
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Calendly design customization

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  • Navigating the Land
  • 6 replies
  • June 3, 2022

@john.desborough, - Discrepo con tu comentario.

Las integraciones se hacen via API, y en la API vienen indicado que se puede “tocar” y personalizar.

Claramente, se explica que en las integraciones en línea y en los popus se pueden pesonalizar los colores.

Así que, sí, es una decisión del “product owner” de typeform de incluir esa funcionalidad para todos los usuarios. 

Por eso la solicito aquí. Además al crear estas integraciones, lo normal es que los departamentos de desarrollo estén en contacto entre ellos.


  • Certified Partner & Champion
  • 5253 replies
  • June 3, 2022

@ajosecorrea - it will depend on which firm wrote the integration: if Calendly did the integration, then it would be up to their developers to amend the integration. 

I agree with  you that the the dev teams should and do talk to each other.. but hopefully someone can make it work and get it on the product development list. 

You might want to raise a ticket with Typeform support as well to see if they can assist. 


  • Navigating the Land
  • 6 replies
  • June 3, 2022

@john.desborough 😂 Veo extremadamente difícil que el diseño y el desarrollo del front de typeform lo hagan los de Calendly.  😂 No me imagino a mis compañeros de “back” ni de “front” permitiendo que otras manitas le toquen el código… ¿Té imaginas? Haz “pull request” en la rama rpincipal. 🫣.

Buen intento. 

De todas formas les he escrito a las dos empresas, pero por supuesto, dependerá de si llega a los oídos del equipo de producto para incluirlo como funcionalidad y dependerá del “product owner” que lo priorice.

Y esta es una muestra de que no va a suceder…

Gracias de todas formas por tus palabras. 

Un saludo.-

Gabi Amaral
  • Ex–Typefomer
  • 1779 replies
  • June 7, 2022

Hey @ajosecorrea! Welcome to our Community! The official language we use over here is English so I hope you don't mind I'm answering you on this language. 

I agree with @john.desborough, this is probably something you'd have to contact Calendly. Let us know how it goes!

Hey @talon256 @armun! Do you have an idea if this is possible? Thank you! 😉

  • Tastemaker
  • 31 replies
  • June 7, 2022

@Gabi Amaral and @john.desborough I actually side with @ajosecorrea here, as the Typeform Integration was developed by Typeform devs (correct me if I’m wrong), they’re the ones that need to fix the style function on Typeform’s end. The catch would be if Calendly hasn’t integrated style calls into their API, but @ajosecorrea seems to have found that they do indeed exist, and my experience seems to agree (my SquareSpace Calendly integration inherits styles from Calendly just fine).

I’m not sure the customer service rep is going to understand the technicalities regarding the API and inheriting the iFrame styles from Calendly within the Typeform. Like @john.desborough said, this is going to depend on the two dev teams (Calendly and Typeform) having a brief chat to make sure their connections are working as intended (I agree with you there, John!) It’s in both their best interest (Typeform doesn’t want a poor user experience in their forms, and Calendly doesn’t want to stand out like a sore thumb within a good-looking Typeform).  

@ajosecorrea, tiene razon: entiendo yo que los attributos de Calendly se heredan del API, y asi no hay manera de cambiar el estilo de Calendly por medio de Typeform. Por supuesto Calendly mismo tiene capacidad de cambiar el estilo, pero hay algo en el código del Typeform integration que rompe la guía de estilo puesto por el usuario entre Calendly. Tal vez Typeform no esta escuchando a los calls del API con respecto al estilo. O tal vez el API de Calendly no tiene calls de estilo (pero me sorprendería) y por esto Typeform no puede usarlo. Sea lo que sea, los devs de ambos empresarios tienen que charlar, no podemos hacer nada hasta arreglan el Integration, y no creo que el representante de Typeform vaya a entender, sino alguien de desarrollo mismo.

@Liz, is there already a ticket about this issue? If not, could you help create something that can bring this simple lack of function to the devs’ attention? Perhaps it’s more complicated that we understand (ie. if the Calendly style and Typeform style is somehow incompatible), or maybe it really is just a quick fix to start listening to the API style calls.

  • Navigating the Land
  • 6 replies
  • June 8, 2022

Thank you, @talon256 
My opinion is that it does not depend on Calendly, since as I said in the previous message, the API (which is public and can be seen) has that feature, you can see it in the image that I leave.


Although it is true that it refers to the "popus" and I don't know if it will be the same.


Therefore, that functionality in principle should be able to do it and I don't think it's very complicated at all.

And in case it is not in the API, they could communicate between the two companies to provide a better service.


Another thing is that they want to give it priority in their sprint or at some point. But it would be great to be able to have it.



Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • 14823 replies
  • June 8, 2022

Hi @talon256 Thanks for sharing this! I’m happy to pass along the feedback to the product team, but I can’t make any guarantees that this is something they will prioritize or add to the roadmap. This is because they have features with more requests (like partial completion) that take much more time to build and have more people wanting the feature. 

Of course, if anything changes, I’ll post that here. 

  • Navigating the Land
  • 6 replies
  • June 9, 2022

Thanks @Liz. It would be wonderful to have this functionality.


I hope to hear from you. Greetings and thank you.


Thanks @talon256 for the help. 

  • Navigating the Land
  • 6 replies
  • June 14, 2022

Hi @Liz and @talon256, for the record. This is the email from Calendly.


