Hi I'm new to Typeform. I need to build a questionnaire with scored multiple-choice questions on 4 topics. For each of the topics, a score must be calculated. At the end of the entire questionnaire, an explanation block should be displayed for each of these scores. So, not just the score, but also an explanation block.
- 4 questions with 4 possible answers each for topic 1
- 4 questions with 4 possible answers each for topic 2
- 6 questions with 4 possible answers each for topic 3
- 2 questions with 4 possible answers each for topic 4
For topic 1, a calculation is made to determine a "maturity level" For topic 2, the same For topic 3, the same For topic 4, the same
Respondents can have different maturity levels for the different topics. At the end of the questionnaire, they should view an overview of their maturity levels for each topic, along with a paragraph of explanation for each.
Currently, I have 4 forms that pass their scores to the next form via a hidden field. I have all the explanation blocks ready in variables in the fourth form. However, I am stuck there. On a final slide, I would like to display something like: "if hiddenfieldscore1 = x1, then display text variable y1" (4 times depending on different levels) and on the same slide, "if hiddenfieldscore2 = x2, then display text variable y2" (also 4 times depending on different levels) ... and so on for the levels that were passed through.
Can someone help? I have the Plus plan.