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Can we restrict character limit for 'Other' option in a question ?

  • 27 July 2021
  • 3 replies


I was wondering if there is way to limit the number of characters for ‘Other’ option in a question, so that respondents can limit their answers.

Thanks in advance,

Hi @DataPalla Thanks for stopping by! Glad to see you again. :grin: We don’t have character limits on the ‘other’ option, but would you mind sharing more about your use case? Happy to share the feedback with product!

Hello @Liz , The question is multi selection and one of the option is for user to provide choices that are not provided, so they would enter an answer in the ‘Other’ option and I would like to show a message there saying ‘Please type in Max of 500 characters’ since there is no option of restricting number of characters, is there a way I can put a text disclaimer ?  

Thanks - DataPalla

Hi @DataPalla Got it - thank you! You could add the disclaimer in the question like below. Would that work for you? 


