
Conditional Logic

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Trying to do something super simple, but can't figure out how it works.

Question 1 asks for 3 options.

Option 1 should go to Question 2
Option 2 should go to Question 3
Option 3 should go to Question 4

Question 2 should always go to Question 5
Question 3 should always go to Question 5
Question 4 should always go to Question 5

Pretty easy logic, but how?

Thanks in advance for the help!




Best answer by john.desborough 12 May 2021, 16:11

View original

10 replies

Userlevel 7
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@david.internative - Welcome to the community from a fellow user

would you be able to share a screen shot of the question branching screen to show how you have set up the logic - it seems as if you have not set the logic to go from q2 to q5 but left it to go to the ‘next question’ ..

just to help us troubleshoot


Userlevel 1
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Hi John! Sure!

There’s no option to click always jump to Question x like there used to be

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The screenshot

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File upload is broken @Typeform 


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@john.desborough I added it to the original post

Userlevel 7
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@david.internative Thanks.. - i see that you have set the path for q2 to goto q5 but not q3 or 4 …

if those are set and you re-publish the typeform, does that sort out the logic map? seems like you are on the right track.. but that would be the first thing i would check


@Liz @Mariana - the ab fab Typeformers who patrol this space - do you have any other suggestions that you can see/make??



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Yeah, but that doesn’t work cause it’s looking at is equal to [       ].

Where did the option go of just setting the question to jump to another question.

First time using the new builder, and it’s not the best... Is there a way to use the old builder?

Userlevel 7
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@david.internative - give the advanced logic tab a go on it .. means you might have to give up what you have done so far on the simple logic but that is what i use to deal with all of these.. gives you much nicer control and better routing decisions.. 

would probably take you no more than 5 minutes to recreate what i can see .. 

tuppence from here

Userlevel 1
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Worked beautifully. Thanks so much!

Userlevel 7
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Good to hear sir.. !

