Hi @bendwiththewind It looks like you’re using the builder on a mobile device. For the best experience and more additional settings, you’ll need to use the desktop version. 
Thank you for your response, Liz! I am on a Macbook Pro on Safari and a Chrome browser called Arc. How can I ensure that the Typeform website recognizes that I am on a desktop/laptop and not a mobile device?
Hi @bendwiththewind Ah, thank you. Right now, we don’t support the Arc browser. You can view a list of the browsers/devices we support here. Could I have you try another browser such as Chrome?
HI Liz! I tried Chrome, and I am still getting the mobile version. I see on the list of browsers/devices that Typeform supports Mac Safari and Firefox, and I am having the same problem on both of these as well! Also, I accept all cookies on the site and I am not using a VPN. Do you have any other solution ideas?
Thanks for your continued support!
@bendwiththewind - suggest you raise a ticket directly with Typeform Support.. they maybe able to better help you directly over the holiday weekend in the US and give you a second vector of support.. here’s the link
The problem turned out to have nothing to do with the browser I was using. I used Arc (a Chromium browser), Safari, Google Chrome, and Firefox, the last 3 being Typeform supported browsers. None of these generated the desktop version of Typeform.
The problem had something to do with the resolution of my computer. I was using the largest display text setting and when I changed it to the default or even a smaller text setting, I was able to get the desktop version.
My theory is that the Typeform site auto detects the display screens resolution of my device. If it detects a resolution below a certain threshold, it will determine that I am on a phone or a tablet, and generate the mobile version of the Typeform site. Since my resolution was high (largest display text setting), like on a phone or tablet, I was given the mobile version of Typeform, regardless of the browser I was using. Changing the display text setting to a smaller size fixed the problem on all of the browsers I used to test this theory.
If you have the same problem, try changing your display text settings (maybe to a smaller size) and re-visit Typeform to see if you can get the desktop version!
Typeform team, please add this to your troubleshoot page as it may help others experiencing the same problem!
Hi @bendwiththewind Thanks for sharing that - really appreciate it! Never would have thought of the resolution. Were you able to use the Arc browser still after changing the resolution?