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Display Running Total?


I’m new to TypeForm and am quite pleased with it thus far! One question; I’m building a form for clients to answer questions and pick priced services. Is there a way to have a running total displayed for them to see prior to the last page for payment?


If not this would be an awesome feature to make available

@Windy City Wookie - welcome to the community from another user

you can insert a statement question where you use the @recall function to insert any question responses and variables into your text. I use this in a tshirt ordering form so that folks get a summary of what will be put forward as the charge on their credit card


Thanks..I dont know that this actually displays a running total for users to see prior to getting to the payment page…. as users gets to a multiple choice slide to pick services and this user already picked one on a previous slide and gets to a new slide with other services to choose which would be added to the total at the top of the page or something so they can see it as they pick new ones


for example:


Your Total So Far: $25.00




  • cleaning: 50.00
  • Trash Removal: 50.00                                 

@Windy City Wookie - easily done. just have to figure out how to incorporate that into you pages - you can put the total so far into the description area if you want 

here’s a link to a test version of the form that i put together for the tshirts - you are welcome to walk all the way through it and see how  used the recall function at various points as i built up the order. There is no Stripe payment page in this version - i spoofed that with a statement page so that i could get folks testing it out for me to not have to worry about paying me inadvertently.. It might give you an idea or two.. 


