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Dynamic questions/options/text based on api response

  • 2 April 2024
  • 3 replies


I am trying to create a form which will call endpoint to get the options to list for the form as well as based on the selection, it will call endpoint to get the count of available records for that selection.

I see using webhook -but that is only submitted at the end of form ? What if we would like to have multiple endpoint call after each step ? I do not see the webhook configuration to set when the webhook will initiate in my account.

Also, how can i then use the webhook response to hidden fields I do not see any good way of connecting them either.

Please advice. Thanks in Advance.

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @dp19 Happy Tuesday! I’m afraid we don’t have the feature available that would create dynamic questions based on information outside of Typeform - all of the information would need to be set within the form. 

That webhook will be sent after the form has been submitted, and this article here can walk you through setting up those webhooks. 

Do you mind sharing a bit about your use case? I’d like to pass this along to the product team!

Thanks Liz - That indeed confirms my understanding.


Our usecase is to create a form to get the user input about which technologies you are interested in (Those can be fed in from our technology list). Also once they select the technologies, we would like to call database and see how many users are associated with technologies available and We prompt them this much of talent we have available for the technology you are looking for. Same for other options they select like state and so on and so forth… The webhook will only be able to do last time form submission but if we could do something like call multiple time as needed that would be powerful feature and can replace any in-house forms.



Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Ah got it - thank you so much, @dp19 ! I’ll share this feedback with the product team. 
