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Endings not an option but I have Essentials plan

Hi all,

I have two typeforms--one published, one I’m just finishing. I have the Essentials plan. The first one I was able to add an ending with no problem. On the one I’d like to finish, endings don’t show up as an option. No idea how to fix this,, nothing in the community forum that I can find.


Hi @msgreg117 thanks for stopping by our community! :grin: Would you mind sending a screenshot or video of your second form so I can see what’s going on? Thanks in advance!

Sure, it’s very short because I’m not sure what you need to see except for the end of the survey--which is also short. Lmk if this helps.



@msgreg117 - in your video you show that you have a version labelled classic (that is the ‘old’ builder) and the unlabelled one is the new builder. there is no “ending” per se in the classic - they are called thank you screens. 


if you update your classic for to the new builder version you will have the endings, you can do this by clicking on the three dots at the bottom of the form on your workspace (for the classic version) and then clickon the ‘Bring to new builder’ option - see the image below. you will then have the endings available to you

hope this helps



Cool thanks so much Des

@msgreg117 - glad to be of service,,, let us know how it goes! we are always interested to see how other users are making typeform work for them.. 

