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How can we change the placeholder for the address field ?

  • 22 November 2022
  • 34 replies

The new Adress field has an address in Palo Alto, California as placeholder. We are a company based in Europe serving B2C customers with a very strong local implantation. We cannot have an address in California as placeholder, this gives off a very wrong image. How can I change the placeholder? 


As is we cannot use this field and what typeform offers for the address field is not satisfying. 

34 replies

Hi, I am a first-time user in the EU, and I am currently encountering an issue with the address field, which is pre-filled with a US address. I have noticed that this issue has been raised multiple times in this topic. Can I make adjustments to this? Having a field without visible US addresses would be very helpful. Is this possible? 

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Nyn Welcome to the community! We don’t have this feature available to change/edit, but I’ll share your use case with the product team. 

Just adding my ‘vote’ to this request - it would be helpful to be able to amend the placeholder text or, if that is not possible, to hide the placeholders entirely.

My business is in the UK so references to the USA are not appropriate.

In my situation, I'm managing a service that caters exclusively to females, yet the placeholder for the name is "Carlos." This presents a significant challenge for us as it causes confusion among users when signing up. Is there a solution to this issue?


Userlevel 7
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Hi @IzzieB Ohhhh yes….that is definitely confusing for respondents. We haven’t add the feature to change the placeholders, but I’ll share this use case to our product team. 

Sorry but it is absolutely ridiculous that we cannot change placeholders for address. USA is not the only country in the world did you know? My clients and service is UK only, so having a USA address placeholder doesn’t make sense. It’s a really simple solution too in terms of Dev. You have just lost a customer. 

Userlevel 7
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Hi @reclaimingcarfinance Totally understand the pain, and thankfully, our product team is aware of this, too. 😅 The upside is that they are planning to work on a fix for this in quarter two, so it’s in the works! 

Hi Liz, 

Any news on the address field update?  Started on Type forms today and loving the platform so far but the address fields or ability to not be able to stack questions on the same page is holding me up 




Userlevel 7
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Hey @Paul White we’re still working on improvements to the Address question - will report back as soon as we have an update!

One thing that has just been released this week is more than one question on a page - it’s in the early stages of development so only certain types of questions are available but you can read more about how it works on the Help Center here 😊
