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How do I display a text field that shows user choice from a grid?

  • 3 August 2021
  • 5 replies

The question should have a 3x3 grid for choices. User will have to drag and drop 1 from each of the 3 columns into the input field. They can submit the answer and then they will get feedback if their answer is right or wrong.

I want to create this with the free version. If this is an advanced feature, then I am okay with a simple click interaction instead of the drag and drop. 

Hi @shamsham Thanks for stopping by the community! I’m afraid we don’t have a drag and drop grid feature at this time. Would the matrix question be a close workaround for you? 

Can you rename each of the cells?

Hi @shamsham You can edit the columns by clicking into them like this: 


Are those the cells you’re referencing? :) 

No, those are row and column titles. I meant each cell in the matrix!

Hi @shamsham Hm, I’m not quite sure I understand. The rows and columns are the only things that can be edited at this time. The matrix itself will only have the radio buttons for the respondent to select. 
