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How to Display instant feedback ?

  • 26 July 2021
  • 3 replies

Hello everyone,

I’ve been trying to do the following in Typeform but with no success so far, the objective can be described as: when the user is facing a multiple choice question, he/she can have instant feedback by clicking on the different answers. Some kind of “cheat sheet”, in a way.

Example: Question: What is true about the city of Paris ?

Answer A: It is split between 20 districts

Answer B: It is crossed by 20 metro lines

What I would like is, as soon as the user clicks on “Answer A”, to display: “Correct ! And this is why...”, without clicking on the “Next” button ! My intention is to let the user navigates between the answers to really understand why A is the correct answer, not just try and be lucky (these will be really tough questions 🤓).

I called it “Instant feedback” but I’d be very interested if someone could tell me if that exists or how to develop it.


Thank you!


Hi @Tristan Qonto Happy Monday! Thanks for stopping by the community. :grinning: You could use this process to show different statements depending on the answer they choose. The downside is that the ‘next’ button would still be there, as it’s not possible to remove this at the moment. 

Would that setup work? :grin:

Hey @Liz and thanks for your answer !

It is what I have been doing so far but I would like the Statement to pop/display as soon as the user clicks on the answer, so the user can navigate between answers and see why/why not it’s a good pick.

Would that be possible ?

Thank you !

Ah, got it! You can add a statement block in there, but it would follow after the respondent enters their answer, as we don’t have a way to have it pop up automatically. :sob:  If you think of any other questions, let me know, @Tristan Qonto !
