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How to edit placeholders under the contact form?

  • 12 September 2022
  • 28 replies

Instead of a surname or phone number, I’d like to add what’s their telegram or discord ID but I’m unable to edit any of these palceholders or create a custom form. 

Hi @Steve123 Happy Monday! All of the available placeholders to edit can be done in the “Messages” option in the form settings. This article here can walk you through where to find that setting. 😀

I checked the documentation but apparently we cannot change the name, last name or email placeholders. ☹️

Hi @Steve123 Happy Monday! All of the available placeholders to edit can be done in the “Messages” option in the form settings. This article here can walk you through where to find that setting. 😀

@Liz Hello, Liz! We also cannot find that can change placeholder of ‘Contact Form’😥.
We are Korean user of your services so our users often leave after seeing the name of “Jane”.
There is a problem that the reliability of our service and typeform decreases by looking at example name of foreign name “Jane”.
The function is essential to prevent customers from leaving, so we hope that changing placeholder of Contact form will be improved quickly!
Thank you☺️

Hi @Wepick I’m afraid we don’t have the option to change the placeholders in the contact form. All of the available options are shown in the article above. 

Hi @Wepick I’m afraid we don’t have the option to change the placeholders in the contact form. All of the available options are shown in the article above. 

Hi @Liz! Thank you so much for your quick reply.

It is a pity that there is no name change function in the contact form. If it is difficult to customize the example, it would be nice if Jane's name only appeared as one of the ‘Korean names.’ (ex. 김민수 This is the most common korean name :D) This change will be of great help to our service.
I look forward to your positive response!

Thank you for your help:)

Yeah, I totally understand that, @Wepick . I’ve passed along the feedback, so if it ever changes, I’ll post so here. 

Yeah, I totally understand that, @Wepick . I’ve passed along the feedback, so if it ever changes, I’ll post so here. 

Thank you for your understanding and a lot of efforts to quick response!

I’m looking forward to new service updates.

Have a nice day:)

Not a problem, @Wepick ! Let us know if you think of any other questions or feedback. 😀

Quite same problem here where I would love to change in French.
I can keep the place Jane or Smith but is it possible to change in “contact info” the part in English “First name” “Last name”… ?
Best regards,

Thanks for sharing the feedback, @Claire2023 ! I’m afraid it’s not possible to change the options or language, but if there are any updates to this, I’ll post it here. 

I find it really odd that you can’t customize this. In VideoAsk (if I recall correctly) you can basically customize almost anything. 

You’re losing money on this, this is preventing me from upgrading my account. 

Hi @Andri Egilsson Our product team just added this feature, so while it’s not perfect, they are aware of feedback and improvements that need to be made. If any updates are made, you’ll hear about it here in the community first!

Hey @Liz,

what about this update? We simply cannot see the settings for changing the placeholder names. Don’t you think that this is a crucial feature which should be implemented in version 0?

Hi @KaiW Thanks for stopping by the community! While this isn’t a feature we have, if this is something the product team decides to pursue, we’ll post about it here. 😀

@Liz 9 days ago, you mentioned that your product team “just added this feature”. What does this mean for you?

Hi @KaiW We only just recently released the contact field. 😀

This is a critical one. It seems like a scam-page when I use the form on my norwegian site with norwegian labels and english placeholders. I cant use Typeform when my customers are afraid to fill the forms. 

Thanks for the feedback, @Lars Orjan !

Hi @KaiW Thanks for stopping by the community! While this isn’t a feature we have, if this is something the product team decides to pursue, we’ll post about it here. 😀

Hi. I think this is a crucial feature. I’ve been working with Typeform on my leads campaigns and I’m having a big number of users that fill these placeholders with the hints “Jane” “Smith” and, the obviously wrong, “222 1234567” phone number. This feature make my form not trusty. 

Please make above discussed change in contact form placeholder names (or even the option to have none) a priority. It really compromizes the credibility in cultures, where Jane is a foreign name. An the customizibility of the form would be nice, eg choose freely what information to have in the for (name, email & phone VS name, phone, city VS email & city etc.)

Hi There, any news on the development of changing the placeholder name/info on the contact info sheet? We are a company in Europe and also need to see the option to change this. We don’t have any Jane Smiths in Europe and work primarily with non profits, and charity organisations, where the word corporation (at Company name) also doesn't feel right. 

I see the first ticket on this subject was made 7 months ago, but still no change. Why is that, seem like a small adjustment, but important to a lot of costumers.




Hi @MaxAms3000 Unfortunately no updates on this, but as always, I’ll post any news on this in the thread. 

Hi again, folks! I do have an update. This IS something they are working on, but they have to make sure that the placeholders can be translated into the languages we support. Once they’ve figured that issue out, I’ll have another update. 😀

Hi @Wepick I’m afraid we don’t have the option to change the placeholders in the contact form. All of the available options are shown in the article above. 

Hi @Liz! Thank you so much for your quick reply.

It is a pity that there is no name change function in the contact form. If it is difficult to customize the example, it would be nice if Jane's name only appeared as one of the ‘Korean names.’ (ex. 김민수 This is the most common korean name :D) This change will be of great help to our service.
I look forward to your positive response!

Thank you for your help:)

HUGE misstep on TypeForm. Same problem here. We don’t need “Apt Number” for second address, for a business. This clearly establishes TypeForm as a consumer application, not a professional-use application. Thankfully we only created a month/to/month subscription and can cancel for a more pro-friendly platform. 

Hi @falkordigital welcome to the community and thank you for sharing your feedback here. As Liz mentioned above this is something that is being worked on but we need to get all language translations and scenarios worked out first. 

We are continuing to pass all the feedback we get along to the product team and hopefully there will be a solution soon. 
