How can I create a field for my customer to enter a time for the service. I dont see any time option.
When demoing the form I created, the first question they asked me was “oh this is cool, can we get people to book in a time with us on this form?”
My reply was, “I'm sure you can!” ….well don't I feel the muppet now.
You have had fairly regular feedback on this for over 12 months and you ignore it.
This means type form loses all possibility of being a viable asset for any type of automation partner.
Please change it as I like the rest of the platform but this literally will be a deal killer for my higher ups.
Hello all. Time stamp is a deal breaker for me as well. The only workarround i found is to use calendly, where i use its features to define the time stamp.
It is very strange that typeform could not yet implement a field that has the fomat DDMMYYYY hhmm set!
I am thinking of canceling my subscription because of this!!!
It is clear that the Typeform Devs are interested in anything else but the requests of the users!
Totally understand,
Another vote here, we’re paying customer for years but this is an essential feature. They’ve promised us this for years.
After TWO ENTIRE YEARS this still isn’t a feature?? I just made an account and started creating my form not even two hours ago, and I already know that this platform is useless for me. That is SUCH an essential feature. Will be taking my small business to Jotform I guess.
Wow, 2 years and still no time feature implemented. Also, came on here to add to the chorus. I actually cant’t use Jotform, and was exited to start using it until a few minutes ago when I noticed, NO Time Feature! Goodbye!
Wow,! Typerform can’t get a time field so that one can populate a DateTime field (common DB field) for 2 YEARS? What’s going on here guys? Really!!! What is going on here?
Let’s just ask Canva, they’ll do it in 2 hours…
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