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How to restart a form from ending page

Im using embedded typeform sdk, I want users to retake quiz from ending page. How to configure this? Because it doesn’t have any urls to it.

Hi @Sly You could simply add that Typeform URL into the URL options for endings, which would then refresh the page. 😀

Hello, I’m embedding a Q&A form on a webpage and I would like users to be able to restart the form to submit a new question without reloading the entire page as the page contains a live stream.
Is there a way to do it @Liz ? 

Hi @fab420 I’ve answered you in your post. 😀

Hi, I would like to add a question here: We are a museum and we hand out iPads to our visitors, so we need to restart our survey every time somebody completed it. When I last used Typeform , I could set this option. Now it seems this is no longer possible without an upgrade on our plan. Since pricing for us is critical, we would highly welcome if this option were available also in our current plan. We don’t need anything else in addition but this restart function. Is an upgrade really the only option?

Hi @Jan007 What is the current plan you’re on? 

Typeform Basic

Hi @Jan007 Ah, got it. You would need the Plus plan in order to redirect to a URL. You can read a bit more about our plans and pricing differences here

Got it, but to be honest, this should be a basic feature. In my view it can’t be that for a paid version there is no way of restarting a survey. I certainly won’t upgrade just because of this feature. I know that there are other features, but I do not need any of them. Thanks all the same for the feedback.

I’ll share the feedback with the product team, @Jan007 !

Thanks, Liz. Very much appreciated!
