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How to screen out and reject submissions using a question?

  • 6 July 2021
  • 2 replies



I’d like to screen out submissions via questions. So if a user answers “No” to a particular question, I want to send them to an end screen and not record the response. We get a lot of incorrect submissions so I want to remove these from even becoming responses that I need to look through.

I already have a logic jump that sends them to an end screen, but I also want to ensure the response never goes to me. Is this possible?

Hi @ngauthier. Welcome to the Typeform Community :hugging:


I hear you! You could use a logic jump to send the respondent to a "dead end". Let me give you an example:
Question 6: Do you like chocolate ice cream?

If IYes] send the respondent to the following question 

If >No] send the respondent to a statement: "Sorry, you're not qualified for this ice cream project"


In the statement, you'll need to include a logic jump such as: Always jump back to Question 6. 


This way, the respondent will see the statement and have the option to be back to the previous question, but will not be able to submit the response and therefore you won't collect their results. 


Do you believe this workflow would work for you? =) 


Ah cool like a little loop. I am worried that that could encourage them to lie, but I guess they could go back anyways. Thanks!
