While I'm investigating internally the answer to your question, I'd like to send you some useful resources from our developer portal for your to understand a bit better how the "Create API" works in Typeform.
By the way, as you can see on this article from our Developer help centre, hidden field is an array. In the meantime, I'm also tagging @mathio and @picsoung who might be able to help.
While I'm investigating internally the answer to your question, I'd like to send you some useful resources from our developer portal for your to understand a bit better how the "Create API" works in Typeform.
By the way, as you can see on this article from our Developer help centre, hidden field is an array. In the meantime, I'm also tagging @mathio and @picsoung who might be able to help.
While I'm investigating internally the answer to your question, I'd like to send you some useful resources from our developer portal for your to understand a bit better how the "Create API" works in Typeform.
By the way, as you can see on this article from our Developer help centre, hidden field is an array. In the meantime, I'm also tagging @mathio and @picsoung who might be able to help.
Wishing you a great day! 😊
Thanks @Gabi Amaral, yes I see that hidden fields is an array, which makes sense. My issue lies in the title property being a string. How can I call the hidden fields from that array and put them into the title? :(