Importing answers from multiple select answers into future questions | Community
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Importing answers from multiple select answers into future questions

  • September 22, 2024
  • 1 reply

I am trying to use answers from a previous question in a future question.

They are not open ended questions though.  It is a multiple choice question where they can select more than one (up to three).


Question 1: 


Which brands have you purchased in the past year:


Question 2 will ask for opinions about those brands - like an NPS for each one.


Is that possible:?



  • Certified Partner & Champion
  • September 23, 2024

@MeredithK - while you cannot pull the selections into another multiple choice dynamically as further options, you CAN use the logic rules to ask further questions …. something like this.. 

logic rules go on each of the listed questions below  - assumption here is that Q1 is the question with the logic rules

on Q1:

  • if Q1 = A then go to q2
  • if Q1 = B then go to q3
  • if Q1 = C then go to q4
  • if Q1 = D then go to q5
  • otherwise go to question/statement/ending (after all the questions)

on Q2: 

  • if Q1 = B then go to q3
  • if Q1 = C then go to q4
  • if Q1 = D then go to q5
  • otherwise go to question/statement/ending (after all the questions)

on Q3;

  • if Q1 = C then go to q4
  • if Q1 = D then go to q5
  • otherwise go to question/statement/ending (after all the questions)

On Q4:

  • if Q1 = D then go to q5
  • otherwise go to question/statement/ending (after all the questions)

on Q5:

  • go to appropriate question/statement/ending (after all the questions)


that type of logic should solve your problem

