Is it possible to export the form content (questions, choices, logics), not the result, in pdf or Excel ?
Is it possible to export the form content (questions, choices, logics), not the result, in pdf or Excel ?
Hi Liz,
Thanks for your answer.
Yes I saw the JSON export but it’s quite difficult to understand for a non developper. I have done screenshots pf the form for my colleague and it’s OK.
Best regards
Is it possible to download an entire question set as opposed to the results of a Typeform questionnaire?
Currently, the results output only shows multiple choice options if someone has selected that particular option… likewise, the Typeform question sets I want to download also include multiple logic jumps, but the results downloads only reflect the logic path chosen, not the full range of options.
Am I missing something or is this just not possible?
Hi I’ve added your post here where we have the answer. Let me know if you have any other questions!
Is it possible to create a PDF worksheet, questionnaire, survey, checklist (or any kind of fill in the blank doc) by setting up the questions in Typeform and presenting it as a PDF?
I've moved your question to this topic where you can find the answer. Basically, you can export it through JSON. Do you think this is something that would solve your problem?
Let us know how it goes! I hope you have a great weekend!
Hmmm…. this is more a developer/coder resource and beyond my usability.
It’s really mind blowing there isn’t a simple solution to turn a form into a fillable PDF. Someone needs to jump on this!
Is there a demo of how to use it? I have no idea where to start
Before you create your Typeform, you should already have the list of questions and answer prompts already created - usually in a spreadsheet or Word doc is best. Then you can copy and past the text into Typeform as you go.
it also allows you to create the paper version more easily.
just my tuppence..
hmmm but you can’t make fillable text fields in Word Doc. That’s what I’m trying to achieve.
The JSON option is not user friendly for regular users (it presupposes developer skills).
It would be perfect if each form would simply have an option button to download the Typeform structure (questions/choices and optional logics). Doesn't have to be fancy; pdf would do, Excel as well, I could even live with txt. As long as it's in a commonly used format.
I am curious, what do you want to do with those questions after?
Just have them listed in a document, a line per question?
Or are you looking to have a physical version of your form on paper so your users can answer this manually?
I think, exactly what I want, add it to my MSc thesis as an Annex and then the evaluators can see exactly what I did and how.
Not sure I understand what you mean,
I would like to use the form as part of my thesis (as an annex). In that way, the professors can see the format used (template, Colors etc).
I am trying to do the same for my PhD Thesis. They want to see it as the participants saw it (not just the text in a Word or Excel or something).
is there any update to this?
Same wish here, a simple PDF export. I wouldn’t even mind if it would be a paid option only.
Hi I am developing a survey to share amongst local government and I have been asked ot provide the questions as a list so they can be commented on by the project funders before sending out the survey. i have tried downloading an API but importing it into Excel only give s row headers and not the full list of questions. I just need something they can make comments on without having to answer the survey.
i published the survey thinking it would be easier to share it with them as beta testers but they can’t easily comment on each question like this.
I need to export some of our surveys as PDF’s for documentation purposes and I have seen some chat on here from a year ago about having this functionality, has this been resolved yet?
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