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Hi all,

there I am again with another problem with a logic jump:

at the end of my form, I actually choose “always jump to (a preformulated) ending”, but the form jumps back to the first question.

I attach 3 screen shots, 1 with the last question, 1 with what comes up (“email address” is my first question), and 1 with my “logic” construction on that level.

If anyone has an idea…


Cheers to all,


Hi @ProdMCO Bonjour! Welcome to the community. I can’t be certain since I’m unable to see your other logic jumps, but if you have any jumps that are sending the respondent backwards in the form, you’ll need to remove those. Otherwise, you’ll notice issues like the one you’re experiencing. 

Let us know if that doesn’t fix it for you!

Hi Liz,


thanks for your quick answer!

Unfortunately, I don’t have backwards-jumps 😞.

But here, another screenshot of the jumps flow with the problematic spot, maybe you seen something more?

and a little less zoomed:

thanks a lot for any hint you may think of!



@ProdMCO Thanks! Do you mind sending a screenshot of the rest of the jumps in your form as well? 

sure, here is the next one:

before that:

and that:

and finally the first questions:


Huh. Well I am totally stumped, @ProdMCO , a rare occasion! I can’t see anything in the jumps that would be sending the respondent to the first question. 

My only other last hail mary for you to try is publishing the form and seeing if the same issue continues on the live version. 

Let me know if that doesn’t work!

Hey @ProdMCO! Were you able to test the live version of your form to check if the issue persists? Don't forget to share with us what was the outcome of it! 
