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Hi! I’m trying to figure out how to set up logic jump when multiple answers are selected in a multiple choice question. Here is the exact set up:

“What service are you interested in today?”

  • Web Design
  • Brand Review 
  • Software Development
  • SEO Services

The user can select multiple options here. I’ve set it up so “If Web Design, then Web Design questions,” “If SEO, then SEO questions,” etc.. 

I’m trying to figure out if there’s a way to set it up this way also: “If Web Design and SEO, then Web Design questions, followed by SEO questions” (for all of the possible combinations of services.

Any advice? I’m stuck!

Hi @JerryNX Thanks for stopping by! Happy Thursday. 🙂 You’ll want to follow the setup here to show only the questions that apply based on the respondents answers. 

If you have any trouble setting this up, let me know!

@JerryNX - this from another user. 

I’ve created a little demo form of how this works (for me) by using multi select multiple choice question followed by question groups for each of the choices. check it out here. 

i built it out based on the link that @Liz showed and a bunch of coffee.. 

hope it helps to move the needle


@john.desborough The demo is nice, but I’d love to see the logic screens for how you did this because I’ve spent 2.5 hour so far and can’t make it work correctly on every combination.

I’m only testing with a question that has 4 responses and a user can select all of them hi they wish. Then I have have a set of four follow-ups for each multiple choice response chosen (those are already set up as Question groups), and no matter what I do in the advanced logic screen I get taken through all the followup groups.

Logic for Q1 >
         If A then A Followup Group
         If B then B followup Group
         If C then B followup Group
         If D then B followup Group

But I can’t seem to program for “If A only then ONLY A Followup Group” or if “A and B then ONLY A Followup Group and B Followup Group” 

If I choose A it takes me straight through followups for B, C, and D. Meanwhile, if I choose B it skips the A group but takes me through, B, C, and D.

I’m going insane. 

@Kelso - i will get you a more fulsome response after i feed the 5 yr old, watch a Disney princess movie with her and get her to bed… expect something in time for morning coffee in eastern time zone. 



@Kelso - ok here are the logic images:

  • first few are on the initial question to determine where to jump first. if they don’t choose A there will never see the first question group (ie chose b and d you won’t get to a and c ever..)
  • at the end of each question group i evaluate if they can jump to the next one if not then the next one if not…. 

does that make sense??



I appreciate your reply and will try to implement today. Thanks so much!


This worked. I am so thankful that you were able to share the logic. You have saved my sanity @john.desborough . THANK YOU! 


@Kelso you are most welcome! remember to pay it forward and come back into the community and look for a question that you can help to answer! lol. shared knowledge is power!




I am having the same exact question, but am having trouble applying this issue to my project. (have looked at the examples I promise!)

I am offering a service where freelancers and employers each fill out a survey and get matched up based on skillsets. There will be a list of 22 types of freelancing such as blogging, SEO, graphic design...etc.

I have accomplished up to #3 on this list but I am so stuck at number 4. 

I want someone to be able to click multiple free lance professions---THEN be asked about the specific skillsets required within said professions, then go to next question. Right now when I test it out from the user experience side-- I chose 2 types of freelancing and clicked "next." My hope was that I would see the skill set options for the 1st freelance type, then the 2nd type. Then I wanted to go to the next question-- but instead, the rest of the freelance positions kept popping up (ones that I didn't tick). 


Thank you for your help:) I am not the most techy person so the more simple the better haha!


Here is my form for reference

Follow up: 

So top is what I’ve already done, bottom is the next series of questions that I can’t figure out how to structure the logic 


@eahlert - so what i am reading is that you want to do something like this: 

  • q1 - which freelance skills interest you
  • q2-23 are question groups, one for each potential skill
  • q24 - next question 
  • q25 …

if this is the case, what you need to do in your logic is have a ‘declining set of logic rules’ for each question group to determine if they should go the ‘next’ question group they selected or should jump to q 24 as the exit option

  • on q1 you have to evaluate all the options as the first/single choice
    • if q1 answer is A, then jumpto q2
    • if q1 answer is B then jumpto q3
    • … if q1 answer is V then jump q23
  • in every other question group you have to evaluate if they should go to the next/other jump  - the list gets smaller with each successive question group because you can’t go backwards/have already checked to see if they are selected. 
    • in q2 on the last of the questions in this group, you need to have the logic to check
      • if q1 answer is B then jumpto q3
      • if q1 answer is C then jumpto q4
      • for all other choices ie nothing else selected, jumpto q24
    • on q3:
      • if q1 answer is C then jumpto q4

and so on.. 

make sense??



Can’t thank you enough for you time! I think I am starting to understand! So in my case this will be quite laborious right--as I need to linking 21 options, then 20, then 19, etc...for EACH option. The next option, animation, will have 20 links, then 19, then 18…..Is that right? If you have a quick second, I have done (what I think is correct) for “Admin”. I just want to make sure I’m on the right track! 


I may be offering less options if this is the best way to do it, as it will just take too much time haha. 


Additionally, earlier in the form I am asking people to say which country they are from--and then from there to specify which city. This will be the same logic I think? 


Thank you again!! Sending so much gratitude 

@eahlert - essentially YES. i won’t be able to see your create panel, that is reserved for Typeform employees with the appropriate access 

to build it out, it does not take that much effort, honestly.. build out the first question group with the longest list, add the logic rules. then duplicate the question group - you will need to edit any of the text but the logic is carried forward and you should only have to delete one rule you don’t need for that question. rinse and repeat until done. 


much faster than writing it all from scratch. 


Ok amazing! that’s so great to hear. I am looking up how to duplicate a question group as you're explaining- but am having a bit of trouble (my brain is a bit fried from all this), can you just let me know how to do that, then I should be all set!! 

@eahlert - see image - click the 3 dots 



Hi @john.desborough I am jumping in this conversation thread because the solution you presented is the answer to my problems, however I have some follow-up questions as I am still experiencing some issues when I try to set it up in my typeform.

Namely, my typeform has one questions group that should, based on the multiple selection choices lead to another questions group. When I set up your solution here, everything works perfectly. However, that second question group should lead to yet another question group based on the multiple selection choices. Given that those last question group are open questions I cannot set your solution, as I did in the first two question groups. My issue is that that second set of question groups does not lead to the third set of question group based on the selected choices, but opens up the second set of question groups for marked answer from the first set of question groups. It’s basically missing a step.

Please find below the desired path and screenshots of my logic:

Welcome Screen → question group (QG) 1 → 1a → QG 2 → 2a
if 2a is A → 3
if 2a is B → 4
if 2a is C → 5

QG 3 → 3a
if 3a is A → 6
if 3a is B → 7
if 3a is C → 8

QG 4 → 4a
if 4a is A → 9
if 4a is B → 10
if 4a is C → 11

QG 5 → 5a
if 5a is A → 12
if 5a is B → 13
if 5a is C → 14

The problem is that after they answer the QG 3, the path does not lead them to the 6 and/or 7 and/or 8 (which is set up in the logic) based on the multiple choice answers they selected, but leads them to QG 4 or 5 (according to the logic you presented as the solution, which is fine but it misses a step).

Please find the screenshots of my logic below.

Your feedback and opinion/comments about what should be set up differently here would be very much appreciated.

Thank you.


@ejdzej - it looks like the first two logic rules under q3a are pointing you away from where you want to go… you need to remove those two statements that are based on the logic from q2. 

the logic rules are parsed from top to bottom, the first condition being met is the one that directs the path. that is why you are not getting to q6 from the q3a responses. 


@john.desborough Thank you so much for answering this quickly and for reading through my long long comment :)

I get it now, however now I am wondering, because I removed the logic rule like you suggested, now my path (when we are done with the follow up question for the first selected answer) won’t go to the answer I selected next, but it goes to the answer next in line in the multiple choice question. So I basically removed the logic jump you explained as a solution in this thread. 

Please find the example below:

When I answer all follow up questions for the answer A, instead of opening up follow up questions for answer C (as selected) it just go straight to B (which I did not select).


Either I am not setting it up correctly or my typeform is a bit complicated and should be modified :) 

On the last question of your group (A) you would have to put the logic rules 

  • if q1 = B then jumpto b 
  • if q1=C then jumpto c
  • otherwise jumpto end

that would be simplest way to look at it.. 

if you are still having issues, you can submit a support ticket at this link to get the Typeform support team to look at the inside of your typeform. 

The following support page now also seems to answer the question:

Happy to know, @peteruithoven

@eahlert - so what i am reading is that you want to do something like this: 

  • q1 - which freelance skills interest you
  • q2-23 are question groups, one for each potential skill
  • q24 - next question 
  • q25 …

if this is the case, what you need to do in your logic is have a ‘declining set of logic rules’ for each question group to determine if they should go the ‘next’ question group they selected or should jump to q 24 as the exit option

  • on q1 you have to evaluate all the options as the first/single choice
    • if q1 answer is A, then jumpto q2
    • if q1 answer is B then jumpto q3
    • … if q1 answer is V then jump q23
  • in every other question group you have to evaluate if they should go to the next/other jump  - the list gets smaller with each successive question group because you can’t go backwards/have already checked to see if they are selected. 
    • in q2 on the last of the questions in this group, you need to have the logic to check
      • if q1 answer is B then jumpto q3
      • if q1 answer is C then jumpto q4
      • for all other choices ie nothing else selected, jumpto q24
    • on q3:
      • if q1 answer is C then jumpto q4

and so on.. 

make sense??



Thanks so much @john.desborough, adding the “for all other choices” was what I was missing from this logic! Very grateful for you sharing your knowledge.

@gabcoco - glad that worked!!




Hello wizards,

I read through the thread and I’m not sure the answer I’m looking for has been provided above…

In short, I have a form that asks a multiple choice question “what kind of videos do you want to make?”. Then I need it to provide the user with script writing instructions for ONLY the video types they selected. 

Please see attached a screenshot of the logic and any feedback on what I’m missing would be great.

Right now it goes to the first one correctly but then continues to cycle through the rest of the forms.

I can see the lines going from each question to the next but I’m not sure how to unlink them.

Thank you!!!


@kharzamanov - glad you found the answer!


