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In our form, we have a question with a text answer. 

The question is not mandatory, it’s ok if the user doesn’t want to answer anything. 

But there is no “OK” or “Next” button. The user needs to enter the text field, and then press the Enter key to skip the question. 

Is there a way to display a button as well, and not only the text field ?

Hi @Remoter ,

There isn’t a way to display the question with the button if no text is entered. A work around might be to add (if not applicable, type N) as it only needs one letter to be typed for the button to appear. 

An alternative might be to use a logic jump on the question prior that allows them to ‘skip’ over this question if it doesn’t apply based on their response. 

A second alternative would be to rephrase the question and type of question so they provide a response. If the long form response is providing insight into the data you want to collect, rephrasing might be an alternative. 

Are there other options you might consider? 

Thanks Vicky !

I think I’ll rephrase and ask them to say “no” if they have nothing to say…

