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Make a fillable table

I have students divided into groups and want them to answer question A - how many people in your group?

Then in the question B - have them fill each group member’s name and contact info.

Is this process possible with typeform? Can I have the table change the number of lines provided to match the answer from question A?

Best answer by john.desborough

@QILINDO - welcome to the community!

this comes from a user, who has known to be wrong in his thoughts about the capabilities of the product lol

at this point, there is no option that allows for that sort of table-style entry in Typeform. The current method would be to ask for the number of folks in q1 and then present a separate question for each of the entries for name and contact info, you would probably want to have a yes/no question after entering each person and their contact name asking if you wanted to add another name, if yes, go to the entry form and add it .. 

one possible method, that would require some backend work (in google sheets or something like that) would be to have a long text question and ask the users to put the details for each person in their group and separate them with a comma (ie john doe 212-555-1212, jane smith 212-555-1435, ….) and then have Google Sheets (using the Connect integration in Typeform) parse the list into separate fields… you could then access all the information


@Liz @Mariana @Gabriel (the wonderful Typeformers who take care of us here) may have something more elegant or possible. 

cheers and have a great weekend



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  • April 4, 2021

@QILINDO - welcome to the community!

this comes from a user, who has known to be wrong in his thoughts about the capabilities of the product lol

at this point, there is no option that allows for that sort of table-style entry in Typeform. The current method would be to ask for the number of folks in q1 and then present a separate question for each of the entries for name and contact info, you would probably want to have a yes/no question after entering each person and their contact name asking if you wanted to add another name, if yes, go to the entry form and add it .. 

one possible method, that would require some backend work (in google sheets or something like that) would be to have a long text question and ask the users to put the details for each person in their group and separate them with a comma (ie john doe 212-555-1212, jane smith 212-555-1435, ….) and then have Google Sheets (using the Connect integration in Typeform) parse the list into separate fields… you could then access all the information


@Liz @Mariana @Gabriel (the wonderful Typeformers who take care of us here) may have something more elegant or possible. 

cheers and have a great weekend



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  • April 5, 2021

Hi @QILINDO :grinning: I would also suggest the method that @john.desborough mentioned. Another similar setup to this would be to ask how many names/contact information they want to enter and then show that many fields according to the number they select. You’d then use the logic jump setup here to only show the questions that apply. Does that help a bit? :grin:

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  • April 5, 2021

Absolutely! thank you both very much for your help!!

  • Socializer
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  • April 6, 2021
Liz wrote:

 ask how many names/contact information they want to enter and then show that many fields according to the number they select. 

@Liz @john.desborough   How many names would just be a # question.  How do you then take their answer and show that many fields?  I have a similar scenarios with sales territories.   “How many accounts do you manage?” (7 accounts).  How do I then create a question(s) that prompt the user to enter the names of those 7 accounts?     Thank you!

  • Certified Partner & Champion
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  • April 6, 2021

@BBBu - ok here is how i would do it .. and i have included a link to the sample that i have made


  • i created a variable called namecount
  • when the user enters the number they are going to add (ie 7), i use the logic to add the response to the question to the namecount variable
  • i then send the user to the first entry screen 
  • i use the logic statement: always subtract 1 from namecount
  • i use the logic statement: if namecount = 0, then jump to the summary screen at the end otherwise jump to the next entry question
  • i repeat the logic on each screen (i have set up 10 name entry screens in this example) after the 10th name entry it goes automatically to the summary screen 

this works in that if you enter in 7 names that you will enter, you won’t be presented the option for the 8th. 

here’s the logic image 

hope this helps 

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  • April 6, 2021

This is brilliant - thank you @john.desborough !!

  • Certified Partner & Champion
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  • April 6, 2021
Liz wrote:

This is brilliant - thank you @john.desborough !!

thanks ma’am, @Liz 

the only ‘drawback’ with this method is that you would have to create X number of input questions with X being the maximum number of entries you wanted


this one was simple with just the name, if you wanted things like name, email and phone, you would have to create a question group scenario and evaluate at the end of each question group if the ‘answerset_count’ was now zero.. 



  • Socializer
  • 5 replies
  • April 6, 2021

Thank you for such a detailed response, @john.desborough !   Very helpful.

  • Certified Partner & Champion
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  • April 6, 2021
Liz wrote:

This is brilliant - thank you @john.desborough !!

@Liz  @Mariana -  i also noted during the set up of that little demo that the ability to set a text variable was in the Logic domain.. woohoo!!!! 



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  • April 6, 2021