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Several questions I've set up are not appearing in the published feedback survey. Each time I reload the publish, which questions that are missing changes. I'm on an essentials package so questions should not be limited. I have to go live on Monday.


@Christine Emerge Collab - welcome to the Community!

this is a fellow user here.. 

what seems to be the problem - my crystal ball is a little cloudy so i cannot see your logic flows/maps - is that there may be a ‘logic branch’ that is sending the user backwards in the question series .. and this would possibly change the pathing of the flow through the questions by resetting the path. 

could you take a screen shot of your logic map and a screen shot or two of your logic/branching statements? that will help us in terms of trying to figure it out. 





Thanks for the prompt Des. Do you work for typeform? I might be willing to share the set up so you can see more clearly.


I’m not a programmer and don’t have the background to dive into logic flows. The questions are simple text responses and a few star ratings - nothing complex. I’m very pressed for time and am pretty soon going to jump to survey monkey. It seems like a pretty clunky problem where backend programming is utterly muddled. If its an uncommon problem, my best bet is probably a rebuild. Not what I wanted to spend saturday doing.

@Christine Emerge Collab - i don’t work for Typeform.. i am a user of the tool and am building out about 15 assessment surveys for my own business and for use by clients 

the logic for you are doing does not sound too complex but if, at a minimum, you can post an image of your logic map, like the one below, that will help inspection of the flow. but before the image a few words of ‘rules of thumb’:

  • try to keep your questions flowing forward and not looping back on themselves 
    • I created a t-shirt order form and wanted to give people the opportunity to pick the quote to go on the shirt, then the size and then how many of that shirt/size combo. then i wanted to give them the opportunity to order a second one and then a third one BUT i could not use one set of order entry questions
    • if they said yes to a second shirt and i sent them back to the ‘which quote page’ it lost the input from the first pass through, etc. 
    • because the first pass selections and inputs were not there, the logic path related to the first answer being there could not be followed.. 
  • make sure that as much as possible you have explicit ‘exit’ logic from a question - if you use a yes/no question, for example, say for asking the user to opt in and provide email address - if NO go then jump to ending, if YES then jump to specific question number - make sure you have that stated either in the logic rules or in in the ‘always jump to’ statement at the end.. 

just a couple of points that have caused me issues in the past



Thanks for your help with this Des! I really appreciate your coaching.

I realised that I highly adapted an existing template, and that the template code probably got pretty tangled on the back end. I rebuilt from scratch and, fingers crossed, it appears to be working now. I just need to hear back from my colleagues on how it shows up for them.

muchos gracias and have a superb weekend!


Thanks for your help with this Des! I really appreciate your coaching.

I realised that I highly adapted an existing template, and that the template code probably got pretty tangled on the back end. I rebuilt from scratch and, fingers crossed, it appears to be working now. I just need to hear back from my colleagues on how it shows up for them.

muchos gracias and have a superb weekend!


@Christine Emerge Collab - gee golly ma’am… thank you .. and you have a great weekend

i will enjoy this last weekend in my igloo in Canada before it melts.. hope it works for you!

