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Multiple product recommendations based on outcome

  • 28 June 2024
  • 5 replies

Hi - I am building a questionnaire that recommends the right school based on how they answer the questions. However, there can be several schools that meet the same criteria. How do I have the questionaire show more than one school (e.g. products) as an outcome ?


Example questions:

  1. Are you traditional or progressive
  2. How important is it for kids to learn 2nd language?
  3. Do you need the school to be K-12?

If 2 schools meet the same criteria (traditional, yes to 2nd language, must be k-12), how can I have the form to show both schools as options?




@solman7921 - this may not be the prettiest answer - you need to buildout a ‘results’ page (either a statement page or an ending) for each of the possible combinations of answers. 

ie if you had just those three questions i would start by putting this into an excel/google sheet to keep track of the following - as an example

if you see there are three (3) result pages you would need to create that would show the results of the logical options based on the table above that dealt with 5 schools

BUT what are all the possible options that could exist in 5 schools where the answers were all the same? you would need a results page for all the possible combinations of schools - in this example, for all 3 questions = yes you would need to have a page for the following combinations 

  • AB, AC, AD, AE, BC, BD, BE, CD, CE, DE

so from the ‘answers in the table above’ , with 3 yesses for A and E, your logic would go the result page AE that would have the text for the two schools displayed on it. 


and the more questions, the more possible combinations 

and the more logic rules. 

just sayin’ you can do it but it ain’t pretty


thanks - this solution definitely won’t work for me. I have too many schools to select from. Are there other solutions out there that would make this easier?

Hi @solman7921 Des’s solution is definitely the best for showing multiple products. We don’t have this solution offhand, but I can share the feedback with the product team. 😀

Hello Everyone, 

Need your kind assistance, please. We would like to have an ending with Multiple Product Recommendations. For the context, question # 1 will allow the customer to select 1-3 options, instead of directing them to a single product page that's related to their health concern, we wish to have an ending that reflects different products based on their answer to question # 1. Is this possible with Typeform and if yes, how can we do that? 

Thank You. 

Hi @Mcristal Happy little Fri-yay! I added your post here where we have a similar conversation about this. 
