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Multiple SKU Preorder form

  • 8 July 2021
  • 5 replies

Hello, I am looking at ways to make our Christmas beer preorder more efficient. In previous years we send out a brochure that contains the following:

Gift packs - 36 SKUs (accompanying pictures essential for customers)
Spirits - 6 SKUs
Bottle Cases - 42 SKUs
Large format bottles - 24 SKUs
Kegs - 10 SKUs

I’m looking to build a form that initially captures company info and contact info, then branches by company type (this would restrict visibility of certain items ie a shop doesn’t need to see kegs). Then customers would be taken through each product category to input their order quantity against the items. Customers are free to order an unlimited quantity of each item, so previous solutions I’ve seen using the matrix option wouldn’t work. 

Is Typeform an appropriate solution for this, or am I pushing the boundaries in terms of how many SKUs we have?

Hi @Joeybeers Thanks for stopping by the community! I’m curious to know what Christmas beers are like ha!

You could set this up with Typeform, though it may take a little bit of time to do so. We have step-by-step instructions on how to set this up here. The only downside is that the logics may be the most time-consuming part, but it’s definitely possible to create!

Hmmm, I’m not sure that solution makes sense for us. A typical order would probably have about 20 different products on it, so to have to have individual quantity questions being asked each time would be really ineffective. I’m not sure Typeform makes sense for this task tbh.

I could send a link to a solution I created for our Oktoberfest order using a competitor if that would be of interest. It’s a fairly similar situation, but less image lead.


Hi @Joeybeers It might be a bit time consuming to setup, but definitely possible! @john.desborough created something similar to this with a t-shirt order form, and he has a lot of variations for shirts/sizes/shipping. There’s more info on how he set it up below!



@Liz - thanks for the mention.. i think that the SwagUp solution might work as well as a starting point but it doesn’t go into an order form. 

@Joeybeers - you could look at both of those solution styles and use something that is two typeforms that pass data from the first to the second via hidden fields

  • in the first form, present the user with the list of stuff they can select to order - just select for now and we will do the quantities in a minute (the second form), as they add each product to a selection list, add 1 to a counter that will be passed to form 2 
    • you might want to add the skus of the chose products to a series of variables like p1, p2, p3 … 
  • redirect on completion to the second form with the product count counter and all the product selections as hidden fields
  • in the second form have a number of questions/question groups if you want, set up ahead of time that might reflect the max number of products you want to have someone order at a given time ie 10
  • go to first product question and display for @p1 (recall the sku/name of product from the hidden fields) how many do you want to order 
    • use the logic rules/calculator to create the p*q value (and add to price variable)
    • subtract 1 from the prod counter variable
    • if prod counter variable is gt 0, go to question two
  • repeat same string of question and logic
    • if the prod counter gets to 0 then go to the subtotal page and say here is what your order looks like… ready to pay
  • go to payment page. 

that strikes me as a way to combine the two type of forms that were mentioned above


