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Optional question don't work in chat mode

  • 25 June 2021
  • 2 replies


I’ve made my typeform that has one optional question (“Enter your e-mail”) that a user should be aple to skip and if it’s published as a form everything works OK. But when I publish it as a chat I can’t skip that question, it just says me that I should enter the answer. It’s not the behaviour I want. Is it any way to correct that or it’s a feature of the chat mode?

Thanks in advance!

Hi @Vladimir Strange. Happy Monday :hugging:


As Chat works like a Chatbot interface, respondents can't scroll to the next question even if it's not a required question. This means the respondents will have to interact with the question in order to move on. Be assured I'll forward your suggestion to the product team - hopefully this will change in the near future. =)


Let us know if you have any further questions! 

I also need this feature. I see no harm in you allowing the user to press “enter” and submit with nothing in the input box when a question is not marked as required.


Otherwise to improve the UX you should indicate that all chat questions are required in the builder so I don’t have to scan your site looking for the magic keyboard combination I’m suppose to know to skip an optional question.

