Possible to show q question in pounds or kilograms? | Community
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I have a client that have work around the globe, and when are going to translate the form to english there are many countries that speak english, but some uses pounds and some uses kilograms.


We have a question of what their product weight is. And if they just type “5”, we dont know if they mean 5pbs or 5kg. Is there anyway to make an option that they need to choose pounds or kilograms in the same question, before they type in the weight?


Or is there any other solution to this?


Best regards


Hi @Mattias Oh this is an interesting request - thanks for sharing this question. I don’t believe we’ve ever considered this issue. However, would you be able to add a multiple choice question that could clarify whether they mean pounds or kilos under a question group

I have thinking of that to have a question group.

But the problem is that they need the exact weight, and it can be all from 0.5kg up to 25kg. So there is going to be to many alternative which going to confuse the customer.


So i was hoping there was an option to add what metric they want to show their weight in.


@Mattias - you could ask a question that says “which measurement system will you use to record details? metric or imperial … those would be the possible answers

based on the choice, you could route them along a series of questions that has all the logic rules and calculations built around metric and the other series around imperial. 

that’s one way to solve the problem 



Thats a really good way to solve this!


Hi @Mattias I hope you’re doing well! How is the form going? Did you end up using Des’s suggestion? 
