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Question on data collection

  • 13 August 2021
  • 1 reply

Hi! I was curious if anyone knew whether or not you get someone’s answers to your survey if they abandon it before the end? Or because they don’t finish, you won’t see their results?

Would love to know if it’s feasible and if I need to do something specific to be able to do this. 


Thanks so much!!

Hi @MichelleC33! This is from another user :)

Although the users can save and return to finish the form later, you just get their responses if they submit the form.
One workaround would be split your form and use Hidden Fields and Redirect on completion to pass data from the first form to the second and so on. This way the user would submit multiple forms, maybe without even noticing it, and you get to see their responses even if they drop-off in the middle of the form.

I had a form with a very high drop-off rate in a specific question, but removing this question was inegotiable. This workaround helped me to at least get their response before the deal breaker question

Hope it helps!
