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Question text is being copied and pasted in the next question seemingly randomly

  • 15 June 2021
  • 6 replies

It seems that the text from one question is copied and then pasted into the next question (over whatever was there before) I think I saw it once happening when I quickly clicked from one question into the next, but don’t seem to be able to replicate it. 

It’s happening quite a lot and I don’t know how to change it. Is this a shortcut or is there some way to stop it? 

Many thanks for any answers - it’s causing quite a lot of problems…


@Son - welcome to the community from a fellow user.

could you please share a screen shot or a short video of the issue? I am not experiencing any issues but it would be easier to try and resolve with some visual cues. 





Hi John, thank you for your message - just going through it and corrected them all - it literally copies the text from one question and pastes it into the main part of the next (so it could take the text of a statement and paste it onto the main part of a multiple choice question (still leaving the multiple choice options below). So sometimes I have four time the exact same wording for four different question types. It’s really driving me crazy and causing huge, huge problems as our forms are very complex. 

@Son - are you duplicating the question or adding a new question? sorry to ask that but i recently found that my mouse got ‘hyper sensitive’ and a single click was actually doing double or triple clicks.. it was the mouse driver and a recent windows upgrade that caused that issue.. drove me nuts for a day when trying to add logic jumps and finding orphans.. 

this happened in other applications that were on the desktop as well so not a typeform issue.. for me..

good luck getting resolved


Hi John, 

thank you so much for the answer - that could well be the case. I’m just going through surveys to check/edit, so neither adding nor duplicating (it’s just literally coping one text over the question of the next). However, I haven’t had that problem anywhere else and can’t copy and paste one text over another even if I try. I may try a different mouse though. 

Just got a reply from Typeform and it was a bug… I wish they told us about them, that would have saved many hours of work… Thank you for reaching out

@Son - good to hear.. glad it was a bug for you and not a pervasive mouse issue like mine lol

