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Questionnaire Creation

I want to question my customers (more than 1k) why they didn’t buy.  I’m new in eCommerce, so I’d appreciate any help with the questions (other than the ones in the survey template).

Also, is there way I can connect a discount code (or something) I can attach for those who answer and return the survey?

Hi @Baab Welcome to the community! :grinning:

That’s a great idea to build a form asking why your customers didn’t purchase a product. 🙂 We don’t have a specific template for this, but our product feedback template might be a great place to start. 

While a bit more general, we have this post on our blog with tips to create better forms, including how to ask questions, that might be beneficial to you. 

As for discount codes, we have a handy walkthrough of adding discount codes to your forms here

I hope this helps! Let me know if you think of any other questions. 

I’m sorry I haven’t gotten back to you sooner, but, about the  Questionnaire ...

  1.  Do I send it to those past “visitors” who didn’t buy anything?
  2.   Or do I send it just to present “visitors” and see why they didn’t buy?
  3.   How do I get it to the “visitors” when they don’t buy and just leave? 
  4. Is there a way you could have a look-see at my questionnaire and maybe suggest other questions I could use?  I do feel the AI component of this program could be very useful with my questionnaire, but I’ve been “brain-dead” so much lately, I’m about to accept it as MY “new norm”!:drooling_face:

About you looking at my questionnaire, I call you or you call me, I give you access to my laptop, and we go from there.  I’ll get the chance to learn from a “pro”!

I promise I’ll respond quicker this time than last!

Stay Safe!:mask:

Hi @Baab Happy to hear from you! We don’t offer phone support, but I’m happy to continue answering your questions through this thread here. :grinning:

For your first and second questions, this really depends on what kind of data you want to collect and how you want to collect it. I’d first narrow down a goal for your form and the data you want to receive. Then, you can decide how to gather that data from your visitors. 

To get information from the visitors who didn’t buy, you could get their information through a Typeform. How you do this, again, depends on the strategy you’re aiming for. For example, if you have a shop with products, you could offer them a discount to sign up for a mailing list. Typeforms aren’t able to automatically collect data, so anything you want to know about your visitors, you’ll need to ask on the form, and they’ll need to submit the form. 

If you’d like to share the URL to your form here, we can all take a look and provide some suggestions for you! Just let us know if there’s anything in particular you’d like feedback on. :grin:

Thanks, Liz!  Here’s my questionnaire link (!  Any suggestions on improving the visual appearance will be appreciated as well.


The data I want to collect is to find out why they didn’t buy!  

My biggest question is; how will customers know the existence of the questionnaire to begin with?  Do I put the questionnaire on the store’s page?  Or somehow make it pop up when the customer’s cursor goes off the page (or something like that)?  I found this Shopify app (Zigpoll ‑ Survey & Form Popup).  Although it looks like it’ll do what I want (have the questionnaire pop-up when they get ready to go), I don’t think you two will integrate, so I’m leaving that app alone!



#2d - Should I ask anything more about the “Check out” process?

#3 - Can I enlarge the pics to fill the areas they’re in?

What do you think about Questions 4-6?

#6 - Is it too much to ask them what specific items (or category of items) that could be included in the store?

On the “Thank You” page, which word would be better to use in the sentence; “shall” or “will”?  Are any of the questions too vague?  

Thanks in advance for all your help in this project!

Stay Safe!

Hi @Baab Thanks for sending this over! Though, this appears to be the link to the builder. Do you mind providing the link to the live form? Thanks!

Sorry Liz, but I just saw your email!:flushed:  I guess I was expecting to see your answer show up in my email like the other ones did.

I’d Love to give you the live form link!  But, that’s what I Thought I did!  OK, so how Do I do that?  If necessary, I can give you access to my Workspace so you can see it that way!

Either way, let me know.  I’ll keep a CLOSER eye:spy_tone3: out for your reply next time!

Stay Safe!

It’s all good, @Baab ! I made a gif below to help you find the URL for your form that’s public. :grin: Let me know if you have any troubles finding it!


Thanks!  That was so simple, I almost feel dumb!  ALMOST!!

Here’s my questionnaire.

Haha glad you found the link! It looks like the form is private, so I’m not able to see it. 😞 Are you able to publish the form?

To help answer the first part of your question about figuring out who your respondents are and how people will know about the form, you’ll need to send it to people either via email, directly, or embed the form on your site. Then, you’ll want to ask an identifying question like a name or email so you know who is answering the form. 

I guess our relationship is not meant to be!:cry:

Since our last text, I’ve tried at least twice to upgrade my account in order to send you my link.  Whenever I go to upgrade my account, the prices of the different programs are in Euros, not USD!  When that happened the first time, I figured it was because of my England, German, or French VPN I was using.  I disconnected it and got an “America” VPN, but the Euro designation stayed the same.  I tried again hours later, but the results were the same.  I just tried again today.  And the results are the same!:persevere:

I lost my only source of income about a month ago, and my Shopify account will close due to “lack of payment” July 20th, so, I guess this was meant to be.  For NOW!:neutral_face:   When I get income again, and pay off those I owe, you’ll be hearing from me again!  Thanks for all your help.

Stay Safe!



stay safe and hope you are back soon!


All the best @Baab if you want us to look into this issue with the currency let me us know please! Have a great weekend ! 
