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Remove OK button & hint botton

  • 22 October 2021
  • 12 replies

Is it possible to remove OK button after every questions, some i need but some i dont need OK button. it’s annoying for our respondent to have OK button everytime


Can i also remove the hint button that hovering on the options?


12 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi @viper Happy Friday! Thanks for stopping by the community. It isn’t possible to remove the ok button at this time. The hint text you’re seeing is there for accessibility purposes, so this can’t be removed either, but hopefully should help any respondents that need some assistance filling out your form!

Hello! How I can disable OK button in multiple questions? It’s an extra step and I want pass it

Userlevel 7
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Hi @hugo3205 thanks for stopping by the community! I’ve moved your post here where we have the answer. 

Hi! I'm new to Typeform. On the quiz I designed, I’ve created each question single choice. As users click yes/no it automatically takes them to the next question. How can I get rid of the OK button? In looking at other questions in this forum, it looks like it’s not an option, but maybe there has been an update? Thank you!

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Heather C ! Welcome to typeform. 😁 I added your post here where we have an existing thread about the ok button. 

So basically even if the question is mandatory and by selecting a single you move to the next question we cannot remove the OK button?

That’s such bad user experience. The ‘OK’ button draws so much user attention instead of reviewing the possible answers !!!!!!  

I created a pole using opinion scale type questions.

The questions are mandatory so the user must select a scale to move to the next question.

Even though it is mandatory to select the scale a large ‘OK’ button appears at the bottom and distracts the user from selecting a scale.

Can the OK button be removed? It has no role in this question.



Userlevel 7
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Hi @Onn_Man I moved your post here where we have an existing thread about removing ok buttons. While this isn’t a feature we offer, you should get notified now if we do add this feature to the product. 

Yeah, this is a deal-breaker for me. I’ve been testing both Typeform and Jotform for a quiz to embed on my company’s pages. The OK button is a distraction and if it can’t be removed, then I can’t keep users from moving onto the next question (because all they have to do is click OK-- even if it is a required question to be answered). If I can’t remove it, then I will have to use Jotfrom instead of Typeform. 

Userlevel 7
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Hi @e-talk I’m afraid it can’t be removed, but I will share your experience with the product team. Totally understand if you need to find a service that works best for you!

Just to clarify why it’s important to remove the OK button: because I have four quizzes about mental health which require definitive yes or no answers. Having “OK” next to a “yes” or “no” question seems to  suggest to a user that they are feeling “OK”. Even if it said “next” would make more sense than “OK” because it adds to the confusion of a yes or no answer.

Userlevel 7
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@e-talk - i know this may not be perfect solution but you CAN change the test of the OK button  .. so you could change “OK” to be “Next question” for example. 

not perfect but an improvement. 


