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Saving data on Google sheet

  • 18 March 2021
  • 7 replies

Hi - I am trying to create a flow where I am collecting date of birth of users. For 31 dates, there will be only 9 flows, basically a double digit date is summed to be saved as a single digit, like 22nd becomes 4, 23rd becomes 5, 29 becomes 2 and so on. Is it possible to do it in Type form? 

Also I want to save the full date of birth in 8 separate columns like 24-12-1981 has 8 digits and and all digits are saved in separate columns in google sheets. Is it possible?

Is it possible to find a Typeform expert who can do some freelance work for me?

Some guidance will be appreciated

Hey @mrizo. Welcome to the Typeform Community! :hugging:


At the moment, these features aren't available at Typeform. Would you mind sharing how they would help you? Your feedback is quite important :) 


Regarding the freelance request, you may find a good option in this conversation here:


Let us know if you have further questions! =) 

I am a Numerologist and make predictions from the user’s date of birth. But I need to make certain calculations to make predictions. Is it possible to use coding/javascript etc to achieve the above? As I really like the conversational flow of typeform

Thanks for letting us know that @mrizo:blush:


Maybe @Liz or @picsoung can think of a fancy workaround for that? 

@mrizo @Mariana 

there is a way to parse out the numbers in Google Sheets using the mid() function. here are some simple steps that might make it work: 

  • store the date as a date field in column A
  • convert the date field into a text string in another column 
  • using the mid() function you can grab the character at a given point in a field for a given length of character string ie  =mid($c1, 3, 1) will look in cell c1, starting at the 3rd character and capture one character 

see the image below where i did that for the date in column a1 into c1

so, yes it is possible 

Thanks John. That helps. One last question and this can help me tremendously.

Right now I am taking date of birth of users in different steps. For example first I take the date, then month and finally the year. I do this because based on the date I have to redirect the user to a particular flow. Basically there are 9 kinds of flow possible for numbers 1 to 9. So anyone born on 12th, becomes a Number 3 (1+2), anyone born on 25th becomes Number 7 (2+5). Using the date type I am not able to do this calculation and send the user to the correct flow. Is there any way that I use the date type and do this calculation and then send the user to the correct flow? This can help me reduce the number of steps for taking date of birth. Right now I have to give 31 options to users to choose date and then based on the date I redirect the user to the correct flow.



@mrizo - if you use logic along the lines where you set a variable (i called it path in the picture below) to the get the value that would used to route the user along the one of nine paths??  three images - two screen shots then the logic page





does that help move it forward?? now with the path variable defined you can use a logic statement that says “if path is equal to 3, jump to q12” if path is equal to 4, jump to q16





Thanks John, will try this
