Hey there,
We urgently need help on our survey scoring.
Please see scoring chart https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/qdhm9kcta7xmxzzbzw6xi/GGGC_Survey_Test.xlsx?rlkey=51l3mzzed2vymtxpy5agokbri&dl=0
- The first column of scores is what I am putting in the survey.
- The second columnn of scores is how I have set up the scoring the survey.
- The bottom has what the end screens should say
I have tried:
- Using ‘always’ add the question to the variable. I just end up with 55 most of the time.
- Using ‘if’ ‘question’ is ‘greater than 0’ then ‘add’ ‘question’ to ‘variable’ no difference.
- Using ‘if’ ‘question’ is ‘greater than 0’ then ‘add’ ‘score’ to ‘variable’ completely wrong answers.
At the end we need to:
- Add all mindset questions I have marked and divide by 20 (I think we put all 20 into the calculation for confidence) then multiple by 10 to get a score out of 100.
- Add all the self-compassion questions and divide by 6 and then multiple by ten.
- Add all the secure attachment questions and divide by 6 and then multiple by ten.
- Add all the self-leadership questions and divide by 6 and then multiple by ten.
Different endings will show for different scores out of 100.
Could someone please provide some guidance on this?