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Selecting 1 of 2 calendly options based on earl question?

  • 11 July 2024
  • 7 replies

I have two calendly pages at the end of my survey, 1 for is leads answer a specific way earlier in the form, and another based on another question. Question 4, determines which Calendly page to present, I can’t figure out how to do this?! 



7 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @mbinette Happy Fri-yay! I hope you’re having a good one. You can set this up using logic jumps to send the respondent to the correct Calendly depending on their answers. This article here can walk you through using logic jumps. 

If you have any trouble setting these up, feel free to send over some screenshots so we can see what you’ve got setup so far. 

Thanks Liz! To clarify, I’m not wanting to jump from 4 to 17, but I want 17 to show only to those who answered “Consultation” to question 4, and not see question 16 at all. They have a series of a bunch of other logic questions they answer before ending the survey with scheduling.

I went through this logic stuff on that page (maybe I missed it), and the rest of my typeform uses logic in the normal way, but I get the feeling that I can’t do what I’m wanting noted?

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@mbinette - what you would have to do is put the “if q4 = Consultation go to q17” logic rule on the questions that would immediately before sending someone to q17 if everyone sees q15, then your logic would be on q15, this way they would by-pass q16 .. then on q17 you would send them to another page and not the q18 for the discovery call. 


does that make sense??



Let me try that! 

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Let us know how it goes, @mbinette !


Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Wooooo! Glad to hear it, @mbinette !

Thanks so much for the help as@john.desborough !
