Support For Forms With High Complexity OR A Wide Range of Results

  • 9 April 2024
  • 3 replies

I recently created a typeform account to build out a “recommendation quiz” for a website I am building around the topic of travel. The typeform I want to create is meant to recommend specific cities from multiple countries based on how respondents rank certain critera.

My initial idea wasn’t particularly complex (its just a lot of simple addition and comparing values), but did have a lot of potential outcomes (5.9160003 E+8). Even when I reduced the scope to limit the number of possible results (150), I strugled to see how I could pull someting together without spending at least a week or more on the project. I’ve read a lot of the forum posts here (including the very helpful ones by @john.desborough), and it seems like this is a common problem. Is there a single approach that would be helpful to users like me who want to create typeforms with a lot of results?

If not, I wonder if the best long term solution would be to allow users to create the logic they need with Python (or some other language).

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @notarobot Oh wow! That is definitely a large amount of outcomes! 😮

Is this a form where you want to build it and leave it? If so, you could set aside some time (if that is a week...) to build out the entire form.

Otherwise, if you’ll need to be constantly updating the outcomes, then I would definitely suggest taking a look into our APIs

Hey @Liz ,


It is daunting number of outcomes, but I don’t plan to make any changes once everything is in place. Will take a look at the API page to see if I can use anything there to make this easier.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@notarobot @Liz - one option might be to think about doing the ‘selection’ of the recommendations and associated ‘rationale content items’ is to set up your options in a Google Sheet with a tab for content lookup and then use the input from the typeform in a query to select the subset and pass the info back to a second typeform using the APIs. 

@mathio did something like this in a post to look up ‘price of a phone’ in this post - check out his example at the tail end of the thread… it is likely that you could so something like that in this case. 


just a thought - and thanks for the props


